The pantheist’s GOD notion revisited



GOD1 ‘waits’2 as non-limited3 energy4 ordering device.5


A specific6 god7 emerges as limited8 energy order.9


When interactive10 a god, as limited selection of constraints, presents as identifiable reality.11


To survive, a god self-energises and self-identifies, hence is autocratic.12



All gods13 emerge as peers, i.e. as equal GOD selections.14


A god that rules and so orders other gods, i.e. a primus inter pares, does so by virtue of superior energy.




The henotheist selects one (specific) god to order (i.e. rule) the other gods-as-peers. Thus does henotheism emerge autocracy.15,16


The pantheist accepts all gods as peers and who attempt to order (i.e. rule) as ONE. Thus does pantheism emerge democracy.17,18,19








©  2019 by Victor Langheld









1.     For GOD (writ large) read: not limited, not restricted thus not relativized, thus unspecified thus unidentifiable, thus unreal (thus virtual) ordering (capacity). GOD’s most reduced definition is often given as ‘One without a second)’ ≈ mono (e.g. ‘Allah is ONE’ whereby the One can be a (quantised) selection (@ minimum entropy), as in henotheism, or simply ALL and which is One by default because un-relativized. One, being free from a second, thus relative, is true, absolute, perfect and so on.

2.     GOD, the One as absolute (because not relativized) does not actually present (until relativized), hence remains unknowable, unidentifiable and prior to realisation.

3.     For ‘non-limited’ read: not decided; not stopped, halted, i.e. ended, un-bound; free, unrestricted, thus absolute (Latin: absolutus); thus not defined, thus universal, common.

4.     For ‘energy’ (Greek: work) read: momentum; power, force and so on. For ‘momentum’ (that animates) read: ‘spirit’, i.e. ‘the breath of life.’

5.     For ‘device’ read: mode or means, also constraints ‘channel’.

6.     For ‘specific’ read: identified. For ‘identity’, i.e. the self, read: ‘soul’ (as essential effect).

7.     A god (writ small) emerges as specified, because identifiable (because coherent) singular order, i.e. a specific energy packet/quantum; that is to say, as the application (thus as absolute limitation/definition) of a ‘spirited soul.’

8.     For ‘limited’ read: decided, stopped, bound, restricted, (unfree) or halted; thus defined; thus local, uncommon. Specification (i.e. identifiable order) emerges as consequence of violent (i.e. forceful) constraint (i.e. rule). For ‘an order’ read: a series of constraints impacting as a rule, that is to say, an as algorithm or fractal (i.e. as dynamic machine consisting of a rule, hence of a series of constraints).

9.     For ‘order’ read: a row or series of constraints, or complex or pattern thereof. Repetition turns a (random) series into a cognizable sequence.

10.   i.e. with an alternate god as alternate order.

11.   A god actually self-identifies and self-realises at 1 to 1 (hence quantum) contact between two identified dynamic (i.e. energised) virtual orders.

12.   A god (i.e. as specific energy packet) survives because he/she/it predates or scavenges other gods (as specific energy packets).

13.   i.e. as differential energy order packets.

14.   GOD serves as open, indeed blind Basic Operating System (or specification fractal) of which all gods emerge as specific local elaborations ≈ applications.

15.   For ‘autocracy’ read: the dictatorship of an imposed specific, hence relative order (or law). Autocracy bundles, amasses, centralises the power of many incoherent or diffused, because distributed henotheistic orders (i.e. democracy) by aligning, thus uniting them as ONE. Autocracy pools the power (and sovereignty) of the many to gain a survival advantage for itself (and, possibly, all).

16.   The autocracy of (fundamentally infantile) henotheism, i.e. the transfer and accumulation, thus concentration of power/energy (as survival asset) tends to express as capitalist (i.e. individualist) endeavour.

17.   The democracy of (fundamentally adult) pantheism, i.e. the distribution of power/energy and individual sovereignty (as personal survival asset) tends to express as socialist (indeed communist or communal benefit) endeavour.

18.   Just as in the survival struggle between the (immature infantile) specific outcome ordered henotheist (representing the growth phase of life) and the (mature adult) pantheist (representing the threshold to the decay phase of life) the henotheist wins that struggle most of the time, so in the struggle between the (infantile, growth oriented) capitalist and the (adult, seeking to sustain into decline) socialist the capitalist wins the struggle for survival most of the time.

19.   Pantheism (and democracy) returns, re-distributes sovereignty and power to the individual. That increases overall creativity but weakens survival thrust. Henotheism bundles and unites sovereignty and power. That increases overall survival capacity but weakens overall creativity.