The function1 of a unit of life



The modern pantheist observes2 that the basic3 and automatic4 response5 of a unit6 of order7,8life9GOD is to survive.10



Order11 (thus life-as-performance of specifically arranged constraints) is maintained12 by scavenging13 (the energy of) disorder.14



This and every world,15 meaning every phenomenon of the universe, emerges as trace16 of an energy scavenging performance.17























































©  2018 by Victor Langheld





1.  The notion and word ‘function’ is derived from the Latin fungi meaning: ‘perform’. In other words, all cognizable (because capable of contact due to resistance, hence ‘real’/true) forms (i.e. as particular units) hence eco-systems of life) happen as on-going performances reified (i.e. stilled and quantised) by an (quantised) observer (as alternate ‘performance’) as ‘things.’

2.  First ‘stands on’ (i.e. makes contact), then ‘under-stands’ (i.e. then relativizes the contact), in fact, infers.

3.  For ‘basic’ read: ground (thus universal thus common), initial (and so initialising), primary and so on.

4.  For ‘automatic’ read: ‘acting of itself’. All units of order initially respond as automatons, i.e. as ‘self-driven’. With greater complexity they evolve to operating intentionally.

5.  That ‘response’ is falsely interpreted by a self-organising and self-regulating observer (i.e. responder) as ‘aim’, ‘goal’ or ‘purpose.’ The survival response of a unit of life is its performance as constraints set or platform, i.e. local algorithm. The true, albeit formless, because prior to constraint, goal is survival/continuance; the notional (or localised) ‘goal’ (as true/real/actual response) is maximum (or perfect) performance. Attainment of maximum survival performance is interpreted as salvation. In short, the ‘good’ gal is the one that does/plays best, irrespective of the game she’s playing.

6.  For ’unit’ read: a quantum or whole constraint (package) and which emerges as sliced, blocked, stopped, hence differentially constraining performance or process. Since all constraints present as singular, independent units/quanta, for instance as Planck constants, the formless (i.e. without relative characteristics, Sanskrit: guna) survival drive actually emerges as distributed network.

7.  For ‘order’ read: a ‘NO!’, i.e. a (specific, because quantised) constraint, block, stop, impedance, resistance and so on, either simple (as singularity) or complex (i.e. as sequence of singular NO’s, albeit quantised, i.e. @min. entropy).

8.  For ‘unit of order’ read: a quantum or whole of constraints. A ‘unit of order’ is activated, i.e. comes alive, automatically as response to the impact of disorder, i.e. to instruction by random momentum (≈ energy). The ‘unit of order’s’ job is to eliminate randomness, that is to say, to order disorder, thereby acquiring the energy necessary for survival/continuance.

9.  For ‘life’ read: an ordered means of survival ≈ a finite constraining/blocking performance that milks energy from random instruction. A ‘life’ happens as a selected constraints set/platform, i.e. as a momentary (hence quantised) still. ‘Living’ happens as rapid succession of such stills.

10.   For ‘survive’ read: continue. The survival drive is formless, i.e. without constraint. It sucks (i.e. scavenges) the means to its continuance, namely energy, from any constraints package that stores energy.

11.   For ‘order’ read: constrained disorder. In practical terms, order means: constrained disorder transmitting (step-by-step) as random momentum working on an observer as energy. In other words, the cognizable, because ordered, because contactable world emerges, indeed all worlds/universes emerge as tangible responses to random momentum, hence disordered energy.

12.   For ‘order is maintained’ read: constraints are kept active (and so appearing to be alive) by being contacted by (random) momentum, i.e. energy. It is not the Greek psyche (English ‘soul’), a useful phantasy lately invented by a group of shrewd and politically corrupted sophists, such as Parmenides, Socrates and Plato, that animates performances (stilled as life quanta) but energy. Between ca. 550BC and 300BC the aforementioned fantasists adapted and elaborated the very vague notion of the psyche (i.e. being Cupid’s ‘trophy woman’) as a placebo (i.e. as means to salvation ≈ eternal survival, hence heaven and so on) to fill the discomforting vacuum left by the disappearance of the myths (or fantasies) of the Greek Pantheon, debunked by Xenophanes and seconded by Heraclitus, that had comforted, consoled and ordered the lives of the ordinary folk for so long. A similar transition from entertaining myth to phantasy-as-life-support can be observed in Indian (i.e. Upanishad) and Chinese (i.e. Taoist) thinking of the same period.

13.   Indeed, predating, meaning: feeding on. Both kinetic and stored energy and its containers, for instance, atoms as wholes, are scavenged to acquire the means of survival.

14.   For ‘disorder’ read: unconstrained, unlimited, hence random, thus kinetic momentum/energy. Scavenging initiates disordering, i.e. decomposing ordered (thus stored) momentum (i.e. mass), thereby making it kinetic.

15.   i.e. this and every world/universe ≈ eco-system of constraints as vast display of traces (i.e. of iconised performances) of constraints activated by energy, that is to say, ALL cognizable (because capable of contact) phenomena including myself and yourself and the pimple on my nose.

16.   i.e. as energised reverberation gradually subsiding, i.e. and having a half-life. A trace emerges as the response of constraints (iconising as form) to contact by random momentum.

17.   ‘My world’ emerges, indeed, I emerge as display (i.e. as after-image) of my energy scavenging performance. I scavenge (energy and its containers) to survive. The better I scavenge the longer and better I survive.