‘Deus ex machina’



The pantheist understands God, i.e. Greek theos or Latin deus, as universal machine.1 A machine is defined as a set2 of rules. A rule is defined as a constraint.3

Hence the pantheist understands her God as universal rules/constraints set that responds blindly4 and automatically5 to disorder by constraining it. Order emerges as the effect/result of constraint.6



The universal rules set grounds/supports, hence is basic to all local rules sets.7 Local rules sets, i.e. eco8 rules systems, emerge as differential copies/applications9 of the universal rules set.10



Limited, thus particular rules sets serve as niche ≈ (household ≈) ecos.11,12 Each niche emerges from/as one rules set, hence is monistic.13



Pantheists serve14 the universal rules set as God. That’s because IT brings forth, grows, emerges, creates, seemingly unlimited numbers of differential copies itself as the countless local, hence niche (i.e. eco) rules sets that of themselves emerge as identifiable realities which altogether make up this and all worlds.













©  2018 by Victor Langheld










1.  The ‘universal machine’ (i.e. an algorithm) which, given endless data (or memory) input, can copy (and so become/simulate) any derived machine as local (rules) application of the universal (rules) machine, namely the pantheist’s God, was first described by Alan Turing. ‘Universal’ is here taken to mean ALL. A universal machine is one that can generate all outcomes (i.e. end-states as particular, hence identifiable ecos).

2.  For ‘set’ read: a (limited, thus limiting) template (i.e. temple) or platform, i.e. an operating system of rules/constraints. Its application, because limited, and so defined, emerges as an eco-system, ecology or, simply, eco.

3.  A constraint functions as a block or stop (or slice). A constraint happens as a momentary quantum (q) ≈ constant, symbolized with the letter c. The minimum, hence simple quantum (as mathematical ‘atom’) is defined as Planck’s contact h. A complex quantum ≈ an atom of the atomic table is called a hadron.

4.  For ‘blindly’ read: indiscriminately. Since the God Pan’s response as ordering action is ‘same for all’, hence undefined, it does not discriminate hence remains indifferent to (i.e. same for) all. Hence, as the Epicureans claimed, the god Pan remains aloof the human woes.

5.  i.e. self-activating, self-regulating and self-organising, that is to say, without a core SELF (elsewhere imagined as a soul), i.e. without (formal or content, thus local) intent or design.

6.  In other words, the god Pan (i.e. the rules set of, i.e. that supports ALL) functions as ultimate predator of disorder. Pan’s, i.e. the universal rules set, meaning ordering device’s identical, thus alternative rather than opposite local (or niche) copies, all eco gods, perform likewise. In other words, all eco-systems respond to disorder (or lower complexity order) by blindly (i.e. indiscriminately) and automatically predating (i.e. ‘eating’) it. So it was that just 20 years after the death of Mohammad, the true Prophet (‘may his name be praised’) of the eco’theos (because limited to Arab nomads) Allah, his true followers (true because applying His rules set perfectly) had predated, i.e. butchered, robbed and raped their way to Cairo. They continued so to predate until the battle of Tours and when they were defeated by the followers of the eco’theos Christ doing their own predating.

7.  It serves as basic or general order generating operating system, and on which all ecos, as local applications, run.

8.  The word ‘eco’ is derived from the Greek oikos, meaning ‘house’, lately evolved to mean: (limited, thus defined) organisation, environment, culture and so on. In simple terms, an eco is a house/environment, i.e. a limitation. An eco’theos is a household god, whereby a household can be interpreted as an ethnic group, horde, clan, tribe, nation, and so on. Consequently an eco’theos always serves as my or our one God, hence as a heno’theos.

9.  In other words, ecos serve as alternatives rather than opposites or ‘others’. The ecotheist (or eco) experiences other ecotheists (or ecologies) as opposite, other, different, and therefore, being relatively dis-ordered, to be predated.

10.   Therefore the true Upanishad pantheist states: ‘I am Brahman’, ‘Thou art That’, ‘You too are Brahman’ and ‘All is Brahman.’ And the false Upanishad pantheist, namely the ecotheist, when asked ‘Is this Brahman?’ states ‘neti-neti’ (i.e. ‘not this-not this.’ Since ecotheists, specifically politically minded Brahmin priests, transmitted the Upanishads they could not but in their own best interest gradually corrupt and then eliminate non-political pantheism since pantheism, being fundamentally a-political, because stating ‘eti-eti’, subverted their power and authority. It is astonishing that neither Badarayana nor Shankara nor the neo-vedantin Vivekananda nor, more recently, Jidda Krishnamurti understood the falsehood of ‘neti-neti’ though they must have realised its political usefulness.

11.   They, meaning all ecos (or ecologies), emerge as ‘special case’ scenarios. Hence all (i.e. the universe) consists of the totality of special case ecos, all ecos emerging as alternatives, i.e. as equal differential iterations, of the one (i.e. mono ≈ heno) basic order generating system.

12.   As differential (hence relatively disordered, i.e. @ increased entropy) end states, i.e. as (failed) gods, they serve as prey. As initial states, hence @min. entropy because fully ordered, ecos serve as predators (i.e. as true Gods).

13.   Consequently, since any and every eco emerges from 1 it will imagine, experience and worship its source as 1. All ecos (i.e. all limited ecologies) are monotheistic ≈ henotheistic ≈ ecotheistic.

14.   i.e. comply with (i.e. copy locally), rather than merely worshipping or adoring (or having faith in).