The pantheist’s purpose
The pantheist’s motto, indeed mantra,1
is, moreover must be, ‘Create or die.’
And that she, being just one bit3
of the universe, hence one super-niche4 elaboration of God5,
is wholly God.6 And that from moment to moment7
God, that is to say she God’s local application, has to create8 in
order to stay alive.9 And that since there’s no such
thing as a free lunch God, and she as ITS locally manifested niche
variation, has to ‘die to create’.10 The smart pantheist, smart because she
hurts and which wakes her up11 to her basic creation function,
realises that she operates as one (and the whole) creative pathfinding mission.12
Her spiritual,13 meaning life enhancing job is to elaborate her
niche and defend it to the death against all comers14 as - in her
view – probable15 stepping stone/quantum on the path to increased
survival.16 To do her job she needs to elaborate herself
beyond the given.17
To get there she has to die (to
herself18) and kill and feed on all other God manifestations she needs
to upgrade and sustain her elaboration. Being a blind automaton19
set to survive she, as local God clone, elaborates herself step by step along
a necessarily unpredictable path to her (and which is God’s) goal.20 If she arrives21 she rewards
herself with happiness. If she fails to arrive22 she punishes23
herself with unhappiness. In short, the smart pantheist
understands herself as creation experiment24 designed to reach a
random25 outcome that can, because random, strike and become real.26
She, as the blind God’s blind clone, serves as the blind man’s white walking
stick that discovers the way home. And home is if she, the smart
pantheist, arrives. © 2018 by
Victor Langheld |
1. A mantra (Sanskrit) serves as verbal goal-as-focus.
It is held under the tip of the tongue, hence is always subliminally present. 2. In other words, creation as it unfolds with ever
greater complexity and elaboration and generating, in its most elaborate form
(-as-self-transmission), namely the human, ever more sophisticated emergent
phenomena, such as, for instance, compassion, love, gratitude and so on, all
missing in the original GOD algorithm 3. Actually a hardware ‘bite’ or quantum. 4. Each new elaboration, if it survives, functions as a
super-niche (or super-culture) until made redundant (or eliminated) by a new
super-niche. 5. The word God here used should be understood as the
acronym G.O.D. standing for ‘General Ordering Device’ (or algorithm). 6. A perfect hence wholly recursive copy (or clone) of
the original creation algorithm G.O.D. 7. Thus quantised, meaning digitised. 8. Not only to elaborate but also to collide her
elaboration with an alternate one in order to produce, i.e. manifest, a
moment of absolute realness. 9. ‘To stay alive’ means: to survive, and which
actually means: to generate continuance. 10. Life is a food chain. The price for continuance and
the enjoymnt of life in real time-and-space-and-form, is to eat (and kill)
(by an alternate elaboration of G.O.D.) or get eaten. 11. Watch sports people smacking their faces to achieve
increased awareness or alertness and so (speeded up) concentration. This is
where the Old Buddha, the Shakyamuni, got it so badly wrong. 12. The mission, as every pantheist knows, is one way,
meaning a suicide mission, hopefully with a happy ending (read: euthanasia). 13. The word spiritual is derived from the Latin word
spiritus, meaning breath, often taken to mean: the life giving breath of
G.O.D. 14. ‘All comers’ happen as alternate G.O.D.
elaborations. 15. Her view is understandable (because necessary) but
false. She (as currently one of 7.5 billion other humans) functions as a
merely possible survival option. 16. For ‘survival’ read: continuance (of a quantised
string = pathway). 17. Thereby becoming different and so, as essential
random event, carrying instruction and becoming capable of making contact and
generating realness and form. 18. In other words, abandon her previous end state
become new initial state. 19. A blind (i.e. formally unfocussed) set of rules (or G.O.D.
algorithm) operating as machine. 20. Her local
goal and which is overall G.O.D.’s goal (or purpose) is function (hence
G.O.D’s) completion as real (i.e. hardware) manifestation in real space-time.
She operates as G.O.D.’s means. 21. If she completes her function. 22. Meaning incompletion or incompleteness. 23. Reward (the feeling of happiness) and punishment
(the feeling of unhappiness) are user friendly (and demanding an immediate
response) Guide & Control signals that support self-regulation and
self-adaptation. 24. In fact a trial (by mortal combat) designed by
G.O.D. (in fact just simply running the basic G.O.D. self-elaboration and
continuance program) to suss out elaborations with higher survival capacity
(or fitness). 25. Meaning: unpredictable, thus surprising. 26. In other words, produce a 1c2 (more
precisely stated a 1q2) moment (as quantum) of absolute (because
relativity free) realness (Sanskrit: sat). |