The pantheist saint



The New Oxford Dictionary defines the notion of saint as: a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous1 and typically regarded as being in heaven2 after death. This definition is henotheistic.3



The pantheist definition of saint4 is: An eco-system (or niche) that has survived.5 Its very survival has proved its fitness (or wholeness).6 Proven fit, and therefore same as, therefore equal7 to all likewise proven fit alternative ecos, an eco8 presents itself as possible9 conduit10 to increased survival of the whole God-as-distributed-survival-network.



In other words, the pantheist saint serves as whole distributed network survival upgrade option.11 The eco-theist saint serves as eco-system survival upgrade option. Since upgrades are unpredictable, all ecos (as G.O.D. apps/ alternatives and including the pantheist) present for selection as saints until de-selected because failing to upgrade the life-support of the network.12



Hence: ‘They also serve who only stand and wait!’13














©  2018 by Victor Langheld












1.  Both holy (whole or complete) and virtuous (rules compliant) are undefined because relative, i.e. either relative to one of n eco (niche, because selected) rules or the rule of rules set, i.e. the basic operating system of all selected rules sets.

2.  The popular notions (as metaphors) of heaven, as reward for the compliant, and hell, as punishment for the non-compliant, were invented about 2500 years ago. This NOD definition of the saint is 19th century, popular, primitive.

3.  i.e. monistic (or monopolistic), i.e. subject to one particular (survival) rules selection, i.e. as niche or eco-system, (often) personified with the metaphor God. Heno-theistic (that is to say, monistic eco or niche rules templates) serve as closed (or restricted) source survival applications. A monistic system incomplete on two counts. Firstly it is unproven, meaning unidentified and unreal. And, secondly, as dynamic system it runs down and decays unless recharged and reorganised.

4.  The word saint is derived from the Latin sanctus, meaning holy, meaning whole (German: heil). Hence the word (i.e. sound bite) saint serves as a user friendly (i.e. popular) metaphor (i.e. acoustic icon) for the notion of a whole happening as a decided rules template compliant system or quantum. In short, the saint is someone or something who (which) is wholly (i.e. @100%) rules compliant. The ecotheist saint is compliant with the set of rules (as niche app) that decide her selected world-as-eco-system and the pantheist saint is compliant with the rule of rules, i.e. with the basic operating system of all eco rules sets, i.e. of all worlds-as-apps.

5.  i.e. as identifiable reality, that is to say, as ‘smart’ app. Everything that now exists does so because it has survived ‘trial by mortal combat’, i.e. ruthless selection. It has survived because it was smarter, therefore ‘got to eat’ and is, therefore ‘ready to mate’ (i.e. copulate, i.e. make contact.

6.  Since the entire distributed (closed source) applications network of the open source G.O.D. rules operating system serves only one goal, namely survival ≈ continuance, all identifiable realities (i.e. real ecos or niches, i.e. heno-theisms emerging as collateral benefits), demonstrate their perfection, i.e. sainthood, by simply having survived.

7.  Much as all the numbered slots on a roulette table. Using the game of roulette as metaphor, each slot represents an eco-system (for instance a human or a fly) and the ball represents an energy shot/transmission (i.e. an enlightenment moment) that keeps not just the slots but the whole game going.

8.  For eco read: an eco-system, meaning: a selected (or defined, because decided) rules template (or niche) become (i.e. implemented as) an identifiable reality.

9.  i.e. merely possible because the probable is unpredictable. The probable self-selects via random (meaning differential) access (or momentum). That is to say, because ‘only (unpredictable) difference makes a difference.’

10.   A conduit is conceived as an energy channel or funnel. In point of fact, the minimum conduit happens as random event (or quantum). The distributed network of G.O.D. rules application selections serve to predate/trap ever more bits of random momenta, namely energy. In short, G.O.D. survives, i.e. achieves continuance by predating/trapping energy (i.e. random momenta) by means of ever more complex and efficient conduits, i.e. eco-systems as restricted self-applications, sort of like a tree spreading ever more complex root and branch systems.

11.   Each God app (or niche), i.e. you or me or all identifiable realities, serves as an experiment, i.e. as a trial. The experiment seeks to discover/create (i.e. trap) a new energy source. Eventually one (unpredictable, thus random) trial/experiment self-selects as actual new ‘best’ energy channel/contact (@c2) that as collateral benefit upgrades complexity (or efficiency), thereby increasing the whole’s, i.e. G.O.D.’s, survival capacity.

12.   Continuing the roulette metaphor. The purpose of the game (of life) is to trap the ball (as energy supply means). The ball’s roll is random, unpredictable, to wit, only ‘as random event does it carry instruction’, thus energy. Before each game each (now predictable) slot/human presents as self-actual (albeit whole-possible) saint because it has so far survived as a slot (i.e. as an energy (i.e. random momenta) conduit). When the ball (conceived as an energy shot, hence as survival means) lodges into (an unpredictable) slot, (i.e. when it strikes @ random) that slot (i.e. receiver) emerges as actual saint at which moment all the other saints are eliminated (actually sub-ordinated as sinners). Obviously, from the point of view of the energy requiring distributed G.O.D. network, the greater then number of (predictable, because ordered) slots the greater the possibility of trapping the unpredictable ball (as energy transmitting event).

13.   Meaning that those in ‘waiting time’ (actually in the computer equivalent of ‘sleep’) serve as potential random contact option, thus energising targets/conduits and must therefore be kept just about alive, i.e. active and ready to respond but at the lowest possible energy loss. Hence, ‘panem et circenses, meaning ‘Bread and games’ whereby ‘bread’ energises the eco-systems and ‘games’ (i.e. mental fantasies) keep the response functions well toned, i.e. enlightened.