What if my parents
What if my parents and my priest lied to me
as a child when they told me that there is one
God above (i.e. in heaven) and
that God is great, all-knowing, all-powerful,
complete and perfect in every way, eternal and so on? What if as
mature adult I have come to realise that the opposite is
true, namely that the one God is not above
but below, as it were in hell, and that IT operates as a very basic and
simple escape-from-hell* algorithm? Mature
adult observation of nature** suggests
that the one God functions as tiny, smart, incomplete,
blind (i.e. non-relativised ≈ not-knowing) almost powerless, wholly
recursive, momentary (i.e. quantised) drive to generate otherness ≈ life.
And that tiny (≈ nano) God operates (i.e. sustains and grows itself) as
ruthless predatory self-regulating Guide & Control algorithm that
endlessly copies and and mutates (i.e. adapts and so
self-regulates) itself to become ever more powerful, more knowledgeable (i.e.
more formally elaborate), thereby
achieving ever greater survival capacity and completeness.****
What if the
one (tiny, momentary, wholly recursive, self-regulating) God (≈ creation algorithm)
is merely potentially (i.e. virtually) great, all-knowing,
all-powerful, complete, eternal and so on and that It’s actual mutated (or
adapted, i.e. by accident/chance) copies (such as the human or the ant)
gradually evolve to make It (i.e. as totality of its real, everyday copies, i.e. all of
nature, ‘tooth and claw’) actually great, all-knowing, all-powerful,
well-ad-justed, perfect, eternal
(i.e. as endless series of actual, because real moments) and so on?
What if ‘as below, so
above’. What if God (as
Guide & Control algorithm, i.e. as effective (albeit virtual) creation
procedure) gradually self-elaborates as man (indeed as all of nature) in
order to actually become real, great, all-knowing, all-powerful, complete,
eternal and so on?**** What if the
one incomplete tiny God-as-blind-drive-to-life (read: ‘otherness’) is neither
good nor bad and that Its actual completed applications (i.e. its adapted
copies, such as man or ant as accidental end states) appear good or bad
depending on how perfectly they replicate It (i.e. the rules that define It)
in the momentary here and now? So why did my
parents and my (Church of Ireland) priest lie to me? So why did the chief
imam in the mosque in Gaya in India lie to me when he claimed that “Allah is
One! Allah is Great!”?,****** So
why do parents lie to their children? *… For ‘hell’ read: incompleteness
(i.e. not arrived, open, undecided). For ‘heaven’ read: completeness
(i.e. arrived, closed, decided). **… For
‘nature’ read: fractal elaborations of the
God algorithm. All fractal elaborations present as alternatives, i.e. as it were
as siblings or neighbours. Hence ‘Love your neighbour (or indeed your seeming
enemy) as yourself!’ The immature encounter the ‘other’ as opposite, hence as
a predator or prey). The the mature respond to the ‘other’ as alternative,
hence as fundamentally equal (wherefrom democracy and cooperation spring). ***…
more about
incompleteness (≈ sin) ****… Creation (by
God or any one of his (recursive) local elaborations, for instance a human or
a blade of grass) is need driven. God is driven by the need (self-signalled
with the varieties of suffering) to escape from, i.e. to free himself from
incompleteness. He achieves his goal, namely completeness (albeit momentary,
hence also incomplete), first by generating a moment of absolute is’ness
(i.e. a 1c2 realness quantum), then by sequencing series of such
realness moments/quanta to generate real form (i.e. as identity), which when
responded to, i.e. self-reflected are experienced as consciousness. In short,
this beautiful, magical world here and now happens
as side-effect of the forever incomplete God’s drive to momentary
completeness (perfection and so on). *****… The simple
(hence with maximum adaptation flexibility) nano primitive virtual (i.e.
unreal) impotent ignorant blind unjust god of beginnings (i.e. as initial
state) evolves Itself via its adapted copies to become the great complex
sophisticated actual (i.e. real) omnipotent omniscient all-seeing,
well-adjusted God of endings (i.e. as end state)? ******… ‘One’
(≈ 1 ≈ a monad) is unprovable (i.e. unreal, unknowable), hence
incomplete, hence less than great. ‘A single point cannot be grasped.’ (Victor 1980) Developments in the notions of
God © 2016 Victor Langheld |