Pantheism updated







The (Pan-) theist attains salvation when he/she completes a procedure.


Hence: “Completion saves!”



The (Heno-) theist attains salvation when he/she completes a selected procedure.


Hence: “Selection saves!”




©  2020 by Victor Langheld









The Pantheist1 attains salvation2,3 when he/she completes4 a5 procedure.6,7


Hence, “Completion8 saves!9




The Henotheist10 attains salvation11 when he/she completes a selected procedure.


Hence, “Selection saves!12,13,14






































©  2020 by Victor Langheld






1.      The pantheist believes that every single identifiable reality happens as limited recursive GOD iteration, hence as god.

2.      For ‘salvation’ read: wholeness, completeness, unit or quantum or (energy) packet status. Salvation is attained if and when survival asset capacity is achieved.

3.      The NOD’s negative pantheist definition of salvation goes: ‘Preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin or loss.’ The NOD’s negative henotheist (i.e. Christian) definition goes: ‘Deliverance from sin (i.e. moral failure) and its consequences.’ The positive definition would go: ‘Attainment of wholeness (or holiness) or completeness; in other words, of full GOD (or God) procedure (i.e. creative) operational status.’ The Buddhist (and Samkya-Yoga) definition of salvation goes: ‘Elimination of turbulence (Pali: vana)’ (resulting in nir-vana).

4.      For ‘completes’ read: ends, terminates, stops, closes, thus deciding, making certain and so on. Completion emerges whole (procedure) quanta, hence decided and certain facts serving as survival assets.

5.      Any procedure (i.e. any function, task job, real or imagined in the everyday world) will do. Salvation happens at procedure completion, closure. The ‘content’ of the procedure (i.e. task or function) is irrelevant.

6.      A procedure, driven or powered by energy (i.e.  as random momentum), is defined as a (soft) series of (random) constraints, stops, blocks. In Information Technology a constraint or stop is symbolised with the digit 1. A repeating series of random constraints, now an identifiable sequence of non-random, i.e. ordered constraints, continues (i.e. survives) as dissipative energy packet, i.e. as a one-way battery and as a decreasing in capacity survival asset. To maintain its survival asset status it needs to recharge its energy load or mass. This is does by predation. Currently the most successful predator is the human and amongst those the specialists, such as Wall Street financial gamblers.

7.      In the everyday world the pantheist needs to complete 2 procedures. First she must complete the procedure that emerges a whole (complete and decided) identifiable reality, thus (being saved and) surviving as power packet serving as survival asset. Since all realities (because dynamic = energy driven) compete as predators in order to survive, the second procedure to complete is the everyday selection procedure, meaning to win out (i.e. as ‘One without a Second’, so the Upanishads) as predator rather than to lose out and be eaten as prey.

8.      That is to say, completion (ending, deciding, thus quantising and so factualising) of any one of n identifiable reality emerging procedures.

9.      Completion (i.e. completeness) quantises (and makes certain), thus generating an (energy + relational) asset (or datum) capable of being grasped or contacted wholly. Incompletion leaves uncertain hence not quantised, hence incapable of whole contact.

10.     The henotheist (i.e. ‘My selection is my God’) believes that one (selected) identifiable reality generating procedure, viz. a cultural adaptation, is God and that that procedure is different from, apart from, transcendent of the completed iteration procedure.

11.     Here salvation (i.e. wholeness) happens if and when she/he completes her selected procedure (and which happens as differential recursion of her selected God’s procedure). In short, she is saved by imitating her (selected) God perfectly (i.e. completely).

12.     Reread as: Completion of one selected procedure (of constraints) saves (i.e. self-saves until subsequently de-selected).

13.     For ‘a selection’ read: a culture. For ‘culture’ read: a one-up (i.e. superimposed) selected (and adapted for survival) constraints grid or code. The unselected are un-cultured because operating without a selection (or code, such as an ethic or a morality, or any specific training that upgrades a skill) designed to upgrade survival. Thus do the cultured (i.e. the selected) trump (i.e. deselect) the uncultured (i.e. the non-selective).

14.     The (heno-) theist states: “My God is my selection!” and “My selection is my salvation!”, whereby selection can be read either as ‘choice’ or as ‘chosen’. Choice (i.e. selection is designed to) upgrades survival (capacity). The ‘chosen’ are the (self-) selected (i.e. because of their selection) and which survive (i.e. as superior predators), hence are saved (i.e. attain salvation). Selection (thus adaptation) threatens the survival of the unselected (i.e. those who don’t adapt).