Pantheism updated





What is true?



Whatever gives a survival edge is true.

Pantheism gives me a survival edge.

Pantheism is true.


Hence: ‘No God but GOD.’





Whatever (selection) gives a survival edge is true.

My heno-theism (as selection) gives me a survival edge.

My heno-theism (as selection) is true.



Hence: ‘No God but my God.’



©  2020 by Victor Langheld









Whatever1 gives a survival2 edge3 is4 true.

Pantheism5 gives me a survival edge.6

Pantheism is true.7


Hence: ‘No God8 but GOD.’9





Whatever (selection) gives a survival edge is true.10

My heno-theism11 (as selection) gives me a survival edge.

My heno-theism (as selection) is true.



Hence: ‘No God but my12 God.’13,14,15






















©  2020 by Victor Langheld








1.      Meaning whatever ‘asset’. ‘Asset’ is here defined as: an upgraded survival procedure. Hence: ‘Every 1 is true,’ whereby 1 is taken to mean: whole, complete, ended; meaning unitised, quantised and so on. This is open system (or source) procedure that does not emerge difference, hence remains indifferent.

2.      For ‘survival’ read: continuance driven by momentum, i.e. energy. Survival in dynamic is achieved by maintaining or increasing (i.e. recharging) momentum, i.e. the energy supply that activates constraints as its conduits. Conduits, i.e. constraints sets, react to dissipating momentum-cum-energy supply and adapt or die.

3.      For ‘edge’ read: increased (relative) survival capacity.

4.      In the pantheist’s discrete, i.e. digitised or quantised dynamic world, ‘is’ means strike or connect. Both ‘is’ and ‘being’ (i.e. as unbroken continuance or realness) emerge as observation errors. A strike (or ‘is’ moment) has no identity. To achieve identity requires a series or sequence of ‘is’ = strike moments.

5.      Pantheism (to wit, naturans) as belief (i.e. that ALL emerge as variations of ONE) and conduct.

6.      i.e. makes me ‘fitter’ so that I can continue, persevere, survive and so on.

7.      The New Oxford Dictionary defines ‘true’ as: in accordance with the fact (i.e. factual, because done, complete). The NOD defines ‘fact’ as: a thing that is indisputably the case. The NOD defines ‘case’ as: an instance of a particular situation. The pantheist defines ‘fact’ as: an identifiable reality which is ipso facto true.

8.      For ‘God’ read: a selected (thus limited) procedure (or operating system of constraints = rules) that emerges a particular, because selected identifiable reality (to wit, naturata), hence a particular app. For ‘GOD’ read: the basic (or common, hence same for all) procedure (or operating system of constraints = rules) that emerges all identifiable realities.

9.      The pantheist observes that God (i.e. each and every differential GOD iteration) happens as observer illusion resulting from selection, data processing limitation and so on. In short, the heno-theist’s God emerges as a local procedure designed to upgrade the survival capacity of that locality.

10.     In other words: ‘Every selected 1 is true.’ This is closed system (or source) procedure that emerges difference, hence is concerned.

11.     i.e. the belief in my (or our) one God and appropriate conduct.

12.     Henotheists deliberately exclude the ‘my’ (as localisation) to deceive themselves and their peers into believing that their God happens as ‘One without a Second’, hence as supreme, ultimate, absolute and so on. The fact is that the henotheist’s God operates as superimposed secondary, i.e. local constraints set/grid/code (like an ethic, moral or road traffic code) designed to give the henotheist a local survival advantage.

13.     i.e. The true definition of Henotheism.

14.     See Exodus 20:3, to wit: ‘Thou shalt have no other God before me!’ Note the ambiguity of the word ‘before’ suggesting ‘Thou can have other Gods after ‘me’. This God (later named Adonai) demands to be treated as primus inter pares of the Elohim (i.e. the rest of us). In this regard see Genesis 3:22.  Compare the Upanishad notion of the Brahman as ‘One without a second’, hence the 1st. When Mohammed, the Prophet (May his name be praised) entered the tent at Mecca he discovered therein idols representing many different gods. Following the Exodus 20:3 command he selected one and threw out all the others. That one, his personal choice, named El, Eli or Allah, thus became THE ONE God. And since THE ONE (God) gave him and his followers a survival edge of quantised difference THE ONE (God) was deemed true (until, in theory at least, proven false when survival failed). Those who continued believing in their God or Gods, that is to say, the infidels, were killed, hence didn’t survive, and which proved that their God wasn’t true. Idem the Christians.

15.     Consequently, when the Muslim Imam calls out: ‘There is no God but God’ what he’s really calling out is: ‘There is no God but my (i.e. our) God.’