Developments in the
notion of God*
as Guide & Control (i.e.
rules, hence regulation) System (i.e. machine) The basic development phases are
recursive for all livings systems
(i.e. bions) Note: Historically few bions
(i.e. living systems) reach maturity (i.e.
self-transmission completion) either because of personal incapacity or
because they exist in immature (i.e. highly incomplete ≈ backward,
meaning: closed)
cultures whose elites, both secular and religious, deliberately prevent
development to maturity (i.e. to independent self-transmission via open,
random contact providing temporary completion), for instance as in the India
of the closed caste system and in the primitive religion sodden, still mostly
closed Islamist cultures of today.
The child
(indeed all emerging cultures as almost wholly incomplete
(hence sinful) bions**)
transits from ‘other’ regulated dependency to self-regulation and independence,
that is to say, from theist/father (i.e. involuntary tyrannical)
‘other’-management to pantheistic (and voluntary democratic)
‘self’-management.*** Note: God* ≈ Guide and Control System (as algorithm with n recursive
self-elaborations) is driven by incompleteness
(signalled at the level of human elaboration with unpleasantness/pain (Pali: dukkha)). It’s the need to achieve completeness (i.e. @ min. entropy or enstasy status ≈ fulfilment)
and avoid unpleasantness (or achieve joy) that drives God (i.e. as-incomplete-accident (read: chaos)-regulation-machine) and all god elaborations, for instance the human, to
select its best (i.e. ‘fittest’) elaborations (i.e. happening as random
events or accidents) towards ever more relative, meaning locally adapted completeness.**** *… For ‘God’ (as
understood/experienced by mature adults) read:
a basic
regulation (towards survival) algorithm. A (not yet defined)
invariant set of (abstract) rules/forces (to wit, an algorithm) that
regulates the unregulated, that is to say, a system of rules (i.e. forces)
that orders (i.e. adapts ≈ selects) chaos/accident (towards minimum
entropy) thereby giving the ordered (i.e. the adapted selected accidental)
seeming longevity (an extended (half-) life, meaning:
an increased survival capacity) is
called God. In short, God operates as a logic machine (i.e. as
selection algorithm) that creates ever increasing anti-entropy and whose
side-effect happens as increased survival
capacity, i.e. as a longer (half-) life.
The Logic machine’s rules (i.e. the selection rules as God) are recursive for all of its ever varying
outputs (i.e. as creations) and their local elaborations. **… for ‘bion’ read: a quantum of life, i.e. a
biological unit. St Augustine got ‘Original Incompleteness’ (to wit, ‘Original
sin’) right. However,
following St Paul’s deliberate error, namely that ‘sin (read: ‘incompleteness’, to wit, ‘missing the mark’) entered life
by one man’, he failed to attribute incompleteness to the first,
meaning original cause of life, namely
to the Jewish ‘Elohim’ or ‘El Shadai’
or simply ‘El’ (elsewhere ‘Allah), i.e. God. In other
words, the 1st sinner/’failure to complete’ is God, i.e. the One who is incomplete by virtue of being
One (i.e. alone, hence without a 2nd). The deliberate
Jewish (idem Islamic) misattribution of sin to
man (i.e. God’s locally elaborated copy) rather than to God (i.e. as
incomplete ‘1’), an infantile response, gave the Christian Church
absolute power and control over all humans (who were in St Paul’s deliberate
misunderstanding ‘not yet risen’ (i.e. complete) to ‘Elohim’ status though the ‘rise of Adam’ was clearly
confirmed in Genesis 3:22) and which, until the Renaissance, the Church used
to physically destroy and emotionally blight the lives of countless humans
who sought to perfect (i.e. complete) themselves their own way. In India, the
ice-cold violence of the caste system that replaced the mature (pantheistic)
Vedic unconditional injunction to ‘perfect one’s dharma’ upheld by the
Brahmin bookworm Adi Shankara, and who out to have experienced ‘better’ and
his reinforcement of the Upanishad’s unconditional dictum tattvamasi,
gave the (lately) hereditary Brahmins like power and which they misused in
like manner. The backwards looking religion addicted leaders of Islam
continue in like manner and with disastrous results. ***… All cultures (and that includes religious systems)
transit from birth to death, thus from immaturity (i.e. infancy) via puberty
(i.e. adolescence) to maturity (i.e. adulthood). Maturity/adulthood (meaning:
self-completion) is attained if and when a culture transmits (i.e.
communicates) part or all of its identity. Completion
(i.e. arrival at maturity) is signalled in the human with the various
intensities of happiness. Failure to complete (i.e. remaining incomplete, like the Primal
God-as-creation-algorithm), hence the failure to transmit part or
all of one’s identity is signalled in the human with the various intensities
of unhappiness (and pain). ****… Transmission
(i.e. contact) of one’s identity to (i.e. with) an alternative event/identity
(thereby making both real) makes one self-complete, albeit momentarily. The immortal soul as red herring © 2016 Victor Langheld |