Revisiting the
notion of the purpose of (a and every) life Note: the cool pantheist realizes that no truly
honest person would claim to have a complete knowledge about how life
actually works and to what actual end, if any. All the pantheist does is
describe the frame of functions of adulthood.1 A2 life unit’s3
basic function4 is to survive.5 The drive to survival
is blind.6 A life unit7 propagates as
bounded8 thermo-dynamic system.9 To continue10 a life unit
responds by transferring energy from alternate life units and by scavenging
their ‘casing’11 components. A life unit succeeds at surviving by
adapting its ‘casing’ to optimise its energy and hardware component
scavenging capacity. The shape of a life unit’s ‘casing’12
records13 its adaptation pathway responses.14 The actual purpose of a life unit emerges as response to a local15
need which when satisfied upgrades and so sustains its basic non-local
survival drive. © 2019 by
Victor Langheld |
1. In other words, the pantheist explains optimal adult
behaviour, and which is that of an autarch
(monarch). Pantheism, the view that each life unit is and so operates as God,
hence as a sort of Robinson Crusoe, represents the mature adult view of life
and how it should be led. Henotheism represents the infantile view of life
whereby its theos serves
as adult role model. Temples and mosques are where infants are groomed
by priests for service to the benefit of some self-selected individuals (e.g.
cardinals) or
group. 2. i.e. any, thus all (pan). 3. For ‘life unit’, i.e. from sub-atomic particle to
bacterium to hamburger to hedge fund, the pantheist understands: God as
survival driven impersonal (because prior to attributes) set of emergence
rules (Sanskrit: Brahman). 4. i.e. its primary driver and which is common to all.
Nowadays the survival driver is conceived as algorithm of the Universal
Turing Machine type. An algorithm operates as set of constraints or rules
that order turbulence. 5. i.e. to continue, like a wave. The survival function
pathway (or data-base) emerges as response to turbulence and is represented
by its form (or ‘casing’). 6. i.e. open, unfocussed, universal, indiscriminate, i.e.
like gravitation or an ocean wave. By responding with increasing power,
complexity and the development of memory a life unit emerges (hind-) sight as
data relationship processing. 7. i.e. a (i.e. any, thus all) ‘thing’ (as reified dat-streaming process), i.e. as identifiable quantum of is’ness emerging as non-random phenomenon. 8. i.e. limited, as it were ‘encased’ or en-formed; ruled by constraints, thus regulated. 9. That is to say, like a charged (as in an atom) or
rechargeable (as in a living thing) battery. 10. For ‘continue’ read: survive, at least that is how
human life unit’s experience continuance. 11. For ‘casing’ read: physical shape. A life unit’s
‘casing’ consists of its stored input/output responses. 12. i.e. of its qualities or attributes. (Sanskrit: gunas). 13. i.e. its prior scavenging contacts as data base as
‘hard copy.’ Nature serves as ‘hard copy’ (or ‘book’) of the God function of
universal survival via actual, local emergence. 14. The pantheist seeks understanding and guidance from
God (i.e. as him/herself and all others selves) by understanding nature in
contrast to the henotheist who gets his/her knowledge and guidance from
ancient story books. 15. For ‘local’ read: conditional on selected
constraints/rules.. |