Pan’theus ≈ the common The pantheist calls the order1
that is common to and therefore the basis of2 all
differently ordered systems GOD.3 She believes that GOD serves4
as the ordinary5 from which the extra-ordinary6
emerges. In other words, the pantheist infers that G.O.D. ‘is’ the common
denominator of all the uncommon7 that emerge (as identifiable
realities). Thus: W = G (1,2,3,4, …to…n)c2 Whereby W stands for this and all
worlds, G stands for the basic order generating, thus operating system.8 1,2,3,4,…to…n9
stand for G derivative (or differential) ordering systems quanta (i.e. apps)
and c2 (i.e. squared) stands for 1:1 contact10 between
any two God differential quanta. What the pantheist infers and then
experiences as God is the ordinary in the extra-ordinary, the common in the
uncommon.11 Hence the pantheist’s common12
God-as-source-of-the world serves as the (hidden) ground (ordering function)
of all surface applications (i.e. the world as totality of niche ordering
systems). And that world, as totality of identifiable realities, can be known
only by the interaction of its alternate13 surface applications.14 © 2018 by
Victor Langheld |
1. Meaning ‘the ordering function’, i.e. the function
that orders disorder, i.e. that eliminates entropy. That function is
quantised, digital. 2. Nowadays called ‘the basic operating system’. The basic
operating systems is identical, i.e. the same for all its differential apps.
And because ‘same for all’ it is indifferent to all. Hence Pan’theus, God as
All, does not, cannot interfere, as the Epicureans rightly pointed out. 3. For God read the acronym G.O.D., standing for
General Ordering Device. In other words, the pantheist calls the act of
ordering absolute (i.e. initial) or relative (niche) disorder GOD. 4. Service is automatic, spontaneous, blind,
responsive. In short, God, and all ITS differential iterations (i.e. niche
applications), operate as blind self-organising, self-regulating automatons.
They ‘self-drive’ without an actual self-as-driver. This was the very early
Buddhist view. 5. Elsewhere interpreted as the ground from which all
surface phenomena, i.e. the extraordinary emerge. That’s what the
Christian mystic Meister Eckhart claimed, and who was duly excommunicated,
and possible murdered, for his non-Christian, indeed pantheist view. 6. The extra-ordinary, i.e. super-ordinary, emerge
(i.e. bootstrap or self-organise themselves) as more complex albeit less
flexible ordering systems, hence as more effective (i.e. survival efficient)
local applications. 7. The uncommon (i.e. the extra-ordinary) emerges as
differential iteration (i.e. fractal elaboration) of the common (as fractal). 8. Thus W = G, i.e. ‘the
world is God’ (i.e. the saguna Brahman of the
Upanishads). The totality of local niche applications is identical with the
basic ordering operating system of which they emerge as differential
iterations/copies. 9. 1,2,3,4 … to
,,, n symbolize and endless number of local God iterations, i.e. God apps. 10. 1:1 contact happens in a relativity vacuum, thus
producing a moment ≈ quantum of realness (symbolized as 1c2). 11. What the henotheist, more aptly descried as the ecotheist infers, i.e. because she chooses
to exist within a selected, hence niche world ≈ home ≈ temple,
and then experiences as God is the extraordinary in (often above) the
ordinary, and so on. 12. Thus universal, ubiquitous, all-present, all-supporting,
albeit indifferent because same for all. 13. The henotheist (i.e. ecotheist) experiences and so
treats the phenomena of the world (as differential God applications) as
‘other’. The pantheist experiences and so treats the phenomena of the world (as
differential God applications) as ‘alternatives’. 14. What is known, i.e. experienced is the relative
affect (upon an observer) of relative interaction between extra-ordinary
order alternatives. |