The pantheist’s basic function



The pantheist’s basic function is to improve.1,2



The pantheist believes3 that ‘All4 is God.’ In her view all bits5 (of order) that make up the ‘ALL’ are God. Which suggests that each bit operates as localised God app.6 Which means that God’s universal function can be abstracted and/or inferred from each local God app.7


Because each local app is God, i.e. an identical albeit differentiatd8 God copy, the basic problem9 of each app is God’s basic problem. And each app’s solution10 to its basic problem is God’s basic solution to ITs problem.11


A local God copy’s (i.e. the pantheist’s) basic (common) problem is incompleteness. And it is incomplete on two counts.  Firstly it is incomplete12 because singular (i.e. quantised), therefore fundamentally virtual (i.e. unreal and unidentifiable) rather than actual (i.e. real and identifiable).13 And secondly, if interactive, it happens as dynamic emergence,14 hence decays immediately after contact. From which the pantheist infers that God too is both quantised and dynamic, hence incomplete on two counts. From which she further infers that the local God copy, when inventing a solution to her own problem, namely to become complete on both counts, also completes the common, hence God’s need and on both counts.15


Hence the (indeed any and every) God copy’s job is to reverse incompleteness, meaning to improve16 completeness. In other words, by improving completeness she not only serves/worships herself-as-God-copy but also her basic operating system, namely God, the common denominator of all identifiable realness quanta.


And the foregoing holds good17 for every (i.e. all18) God niche applications because it holds good for G.O.D. as what is common to19 of all emergence.






©  2018 by Victor Langheld














1.  The word ‘improve’, meaning: make or become better, is derived from the Anglo-Norman French emprower, derived from the Latin prodest ‘is of advantage’. The original sense was ‘make a profit, increase the value of’; subsequently ‘make greater in amount or degree’. In early Buddhism, and which understood ‘the world’ as ‘conditioned arising’, i.e. as ‘automatic emergence, i.e. as ‘self-driven without a driver’, the Pali term used for ‘better’ (i.e. improved) was kusala, meaning: profitable (later falsely interpreted to mean (morally) ‘good’). Early Buddhism did not include a moral code. The latter was introduced latter by popular (possibly kingly) demand.

2.  That is to say, ‘improve her lot’ or niche as local differential God iteration or (God fractal) elaboration, whereby the pantheist understands G.O.D. as ‘common denominator’ of life as both spring loaded (as in ‘atoms’ as unvarying automatons) and re-loading (as in biological systems as self-upgrading automatons).

3.  The pantheist’s belief is an inference (i.e. a fantasy). By flooding her brain with that inference to the exclusion of all other data, thereby entering an intense concentration samadhi or coma (as dream-sleep state), she avoids reality testing so that she experiences her inference (indeed fantasy) as true/real (for her).

4.  For ‘ALL’ read: nature. In short, God, the common denominator (hence basic operating system) of all life, functions as nature naturing (so John Scotus Eriugena, Spinoza et al).

5.  i.e. all quanta as rules, hence order sets ≈ constraints templates, i.e. algorithms. Note that all bits that make up the actual identifiable world/universe happen as alternatives (rather that ‘others’) of one and the same ≈ common identifiable realness generating system, i.e. G.O.D.

6.  Each bit (of order), hence each real and identifiable quantum that emerges happens as (alternative) local, hence differential (thus niche) application of the basic ordering operating system.

7.  The common denominator (function), i.e. G.O.D. can be abstracted (and inferred) from every elaborated, thus differentiated application; or, the (unknowable) ‘same’ (or ground operation) can be inferred from the (knowable) different. Thus it is that the ground (i.e. the common) cannot be directly apprehended by a change/difference (i.e. the uncommon) emerging from that ground. In short, G.O.D. is so ordinary that the extraordinary cannot grasp IT. To grasp the ordinary, the common, one has to become ordinary, i.e. common; or as the Buddhist Chan adepts of medieval China stated, one needs to become ‘a man of no rank’ (and who is indifferent to all).

8.  That is to say, locally adapted.

9.  And therefore need!

10.    The solution is need satisfaction that restores or enhances survival (i.e. continuance) capacity.

11.    In other words, the world (i.e. every world) emerges as need satisfaction, and the need is the elimination of incompleteness.

12.    Or so it appears to common observation.

13.    All quanta are monisms (or monads), i.e. ‘one without a second.’ As such they do not exist as identifiable realities. They become real via contact and identifiable via serial contact.

14.    It is dynamic, i.e. it reloads and upgrades (its complexity and so re-emerges) via contact with an alternative app.

15.    In other words, the local, hence uncommon solution (i.e. each individual niche application) to the problem of incompleteness generated by the local God app also serves to resolve the non-local, hence common (hence G.O.D.’s) problem of incompleteness. In short, the world-as-ensemble-of-differential-God-iterations happens as solution to God’s problem, name ITS incompleteness and therefore lack of identifiable reality.

16.    Improvement (i.e. success at need satisfaction as problem solving that enhances dynalism) is signalled with happiness, joy, bliss and so on. Failure to improve, meaning loss of dynamism resulting from inability to upgrade completeness is signalled with unhappiness, misery, pain and so on.

17.    For ‘good’ interpret: profitable in the sense of increasing survival capacity via increased dynamism or complexity.

18.    Currently there exist about 7.5 billion humans and many trillions of other living systems, all local (niche) applications of one common ordering algorithm-cum-template.

19.    i.e. ‘the common ground,’ to wit, ‘Der Gottesgrund’ of Meister Eckhart.