The Pantheist’s ‘good’
Two football teams1 emerge2
from the tunnel3 onto the pitch4 to play a match.5
Both young, in robust health, perfectly fit and wearing spotless kit. The
question is, ‘Which team is good? If you ask the fans of either team,6 this question, the naïve7
answer will be identical, namely ‘Our team is good!’8 Well our
team must be good since the other9 team is about to try to
(metaphorically) kill us and therefore must be bad. The pantheist10 takes a
wholly mature,11 hence different view.
Taking her cue from nature, that is to say, from the laws of nature, deified
as the god PAN, she states that both teams are good12,13 until one
is proven bad by losing the match.14 In other words, ‘the winner
is good and the loser is bad!’15 Obviously the fans of the losing,
hence ‘bad’ team will, in fact must disagree and continue to believe that
their team is ‘good’ since they need to survive16 to fight another
day. For the pantheist, and who worships
the Blind Laws of Nature17 as God, winning (meaning being selected
for survival), and which is signalled with the various intensities of
happiness, joy, bliss and so on, is good. For the henotheist, group winning,
and which is signalled with group happiness (and that of its members), is good.
In both cases losing (being deselected from survival), and which is signalled
with the various intensities of unhappiness, pain, suffering and so on, is
bad. © 2018 by
Victor Langheld |
1. Abstracted to mean two defined quanta, i.e. wholes,
presenting as random digits. 2. Defined quanta, like a bottle of coke or a blade of
grass, happen as emerged qualities or properties, hence subject to
conditions, 3. For tunnel read: the dark struggle to survive and
which can and often is experienced as the horrific dark underbelly or
digestive system of God seen via his arse, and which experience dumps the
observer into what has elsewhere been called ‘the dark night of the soul!’ 4. The everyday world in which the fittest are selected
to upgrade creation (meaning PAN =
God) by means of 1 to 1 competition, meaning ‘trial by mortal combat.’ 5. Selection by means of pantheistic ‘trial by mortal’
or, in the case of cultural or cooperative group, thus henotheistic action, not
so mortal combat. 6. By extension both impure henotheists (Greek:
henotheists adherence to one (i.e. mono) particular chosen God) meaning both
claim to believe in their one particular (i.e. defined, formally identified)
chosen God (i.e. team) as good (true, real. omnipotent, omniscient and so on)
and are prepared to fight to the death (as pantheists). In other words, they
believe in their one true God (that rules and protects the group) but their
God (and the group as a whole) competes with a multitude of other Gods (or
henotheistic systems). 7. That is to say, immature albeit with the emerging
capacity to make final, hence absolute decisions. 8. To wit, ‘Our team (group, tribe or nation) is our
God’ because out team is (at least potentially) the winner (but lastly only
one of many). 9. In short, the henotheist fan believes that the
‘other’, to wit, that which competes with ‘us’, i.e. the ‘self’ for survival,
is bad. Whereas the pantheist believes that all selves are good though in
fact they act as others. 10. That is to say as pure monotheist and who believes
in one God acting as user friendly icon for one set of natural survival rules
good for all (individuals and groups as individuals). And for simplicity’s
sake calls the God icon that stands for the rules PAN, meaning ‘all’. Pan
stands for the blind (merciless, compassionless, devoid of love and hate)
rules of nature from which all the appearances or phenomena of the universe,
including the human, emerge as complexity related qualities or properties. 11. In fact the world view (German: Weltanschauung)
of solitary (thus freed from group think and action) old age and which has
experienced if not all then most of the development phases and the ups and
downs of life. In contrast to the immature view of the naïve henotheist (and
who yet survives because of protective many : one group rules) but which
allows her to make absolute decision within her group rules framework and so
create certitude, the mature pantheist’s view is wholly relative and one to
one and which makes decision making nigh impossible, thus producing grievous
uncertainty. In other words, the henotheist’s view is incomplete, i.e.
partial and so locked in time and space, thus autocratic/despotic and
therefore politically useful in that it leads to decisions. And the
pantheist’s view is complete (absolute, (w)holistic
but fully democratic, and minus time and space) and, since it does not
differentiate is incapable of coming to absolute decisions and is, therefore,
politically useless. 12. They are good because they have previously proved
their fitness (i.e. goodness) because they have survived thus far. Skew the
notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to alternately mean ‘right’ and wrong’. Ancient
Buddhism, emerging within the Upanishad pantheist ambience, had no terms for
good and bad. The Buddha saw acts as either (Pali) kusala or akusala, meaning
‘profitable’ (i.e. beneficial) or ‘unprofitable’ (maleficial),
thus indicating that at heart he was a pantheist and which was confirmed by
his belated acceptance by his followers of the Law of Karma. 13. In the Jewish Bible Genesis 1 we are informed,
correctly, that everything that God made was good. So where, as the ancient
Jews asked, does the bad come from. They either never solved the problem or
decided to distract from the unpleasant and culturally disruptive (meaning
politically unacceptable) answer by reinventing the Sumerian fable of Adam
and the Tree of Life with the addition of Eve and the second tree. That not
only saw God introducing the notion of ‘the Bad’ by means of the tree of
‘Good & Bad’ but also provided the material cause for the emergence of
‘the Bad’, namely Eve, Adam’s identical, because cloned twin sister. The
story of Adam & Eve became one of the most malevolent, indeed criminal
hoaxes of all time, and not just for women, and for which its exceedingly
nasty inventors and later developers, such as the religious bigots St Paul,
Tertullian and St Augustine, at least with regard to their disastrous fantasy
of Original Sin, are yet justly despised, indeed hated. 14. The pan (i.e.
the natural law abiding, holistic hence culturally undefined) theist believes
the winner, she who survives mortal combat (with any undefined quantum as
‘other’), is good and the loser bad. The heno (or
cultural, i.e. local group defined mono-) theist believes that those who
adhere to one specific set of cultural (i.e. group) rules, such as ‘The 10
Commandments’ or ‘The Noble 8-fold Path’ or the Traffic Code, thereby helping
their culture (or group) and themselves as part thereof survive, are good and
those who don’t are bad. 15. Winning being self-signalled with happiness, losing
with unhappiness, that is to say, happiness and unhappiness serving as Guide
& Control system for a self-regulating, hence blind self-navigating
automaton. 16. In other words, persist, continue. In ancient India,
that is to say, in the Upanishads and later on in Buddhism, it was the
quality (or property) or persistence, namely continuance to eternity and with
implied non-changeability that decided the good, the true, the real and so on.
This quite unbelievable error of observation (and subsequent belief, right up
to Shankara and beyond to the current crop of
closet Vedantists) eventually caused havoc in
Indian culture. 17. Curtesy of which Natural Laws (i.e. God) she has
emerged after about 15 billion years of ruthless and brutal trying as
supremely complex system, i.e. as evolved and manifested (as hardware) God
niche or app, displaying the emergent qualities of mercy, compassion, love,
hate, the capacity to play tiddlywinks and scrabble and so on. |