Karma ≈  act ≈ instruction



The ancient Sanskrit word kárman or karma1 meant: act2 or action.3 There are a seemingly unlimited number of forms4 of acts. So karma, i.e. either an act or a series thereof, i.e. an action, can take virtually5 any form.



An act happens if and when 2 differential6 events, hereafter named A and B, collide.7 Hence karma, as act, is quantised.8 And karma-as-action happens as a series or string of discrete units of individual acts.



Act/karma A – as quantum of karma – becomes actual, i.e. real,9 upon contact with an alternate act/karma B. Prior to contact both act A and act B ‘wait’ as virtual, that is to say, as merely potential acts, hence prior to realness and identity.10 And act becomes real and identifiable only if differentially repeated,11 i.e. retraced as a series, i.e. as a bite of action.12



Upon contact with an alternate quantum of act (B), act A transmits, i.e. transacts its state – its karmic residue13 – to an alternate act B. And vice versa. At point of contact14 both acts die, i.e. cease as momentary end states. They are both reborn15 as response to contact.16


At contact act A and act B transmit their end-states whole to each other. So, to the extent that act B responds to the karmic end state transmission from act A, act A has been ‘reborn’, and vice versa.


What is reborn is not the karmic residue (as data) transmission of act A but the response to it16 by act B. The response of act B is dependent on B’s end-state as karmic residue and which happened as momentary actualisation of B’s self-ordering routines and data base.


So karmic transmission happens as quantised transaction of the current (i.e. momentary) end-state of a given act, action as acts series or ‘actor’ as ensemble or series of on-going internal actions complexes.


Therefore karmic transmission of a system’s end state (≈ karmic residue) happens with each individual contact. It does not happen when contact is not achieved.


The popular notion that karmic residue, i.e. a karmic end state, transmits after death (of an act, action or actor) and is thereafter reborn in/as new action ensemble (i.e. an ordered system-as-body) is useful political mischief.17



The Finger

@ Victor’s Way, Ireland


Note the inscription on the finger nail.


‘Create or die’



On the reverse of the finger is inscribed


‘Die to create.’



What seems true is that at each discrete contact between act (or action or actor) A and act (or action or actor) B both die18 and in the act transmit the residue of their previous acts/actions.








©  2018 by Victor Langheld











1.     In the ancient Veda, kárman or karma is believed to have meant ‘ritual action.’ In the Upanishads the word karma was upgraded to mean any kind of act (or action), more specifically, a moral act (or action). Later on the sum, indeed the final balance of good (profit) and bad (loss) acts, hence the moral acts residue (viz. the bottom line), was simply called karma. It was believed that transmitted karma, good (meritorious) and bad, determined the initial state of a new living system, the (political) idea being (and which local, common justice demanded but never actually gets) that ‘everyone gets what they deserved. ‘As you so, so shall you reap,’ and which is true in principle (as ideal) but rarely true in practice.

2.     For ‘act’ read: transaction, in 21st century language meaning: strike or instruction as happens during contact ≈ collision. An act is quantised, that is to say, it affects/strikes. At point of contact, and which happens within a relativity vacuum, hence as a 1c2 moment, and which the ancient Indians called sat ≈ realness, an act happens as it were @ random, thus unpredictably, hence seemingly spontaneously.

3.     For ‘action’ read: a limited series (elsewhere named ‘string’) of discrete (hence fundamentally random) acts. Actors operate as limited self-regulating, thus self-organising complexes of actions, that is to say, as survival-cum self-elaboration (i.e. creation) rules templates (or niches). Actors emerge as localised (or niche) actions elaboration which, upon differential repetition, can be patterned by an observer and who operates as alternate differentially repeating self-regulating actions elaboration.

4.     A form (or pattern, i.e. an observer generated icon, Sanskrit: nama, elsewhere: cit or cid) happens as series or sequence of individual actions, i.e. as a trace (observed/experienced, but actually) invented by an observer. A form’s realness (Sanskrit: rupa, elsewhere sat) happens as series of discrete is’ness (or realness) moments.

5.     For virtually read: in principle, i.e. as potential mode possible by the basic operating system of ordering, thus organisation rules, to wit: G.O.D ≈ Brahman. Formation, i.e. self-organised patterning of complex actions was believed by the ancient Indians to be unlimited, hence (Sanskrit) ananta.

6.     In principle random, thus unpredictable, thus apparently spontaneous. It has been established that ‘Only random events carry instruction,’ – sameness being compressed out –, thus making contact and creating (momentary) realness moments and identity, as pattern of strings of realness moments, hence everyday form possible.

7.     Collision ≈ contact (i.e. strike, i.e. karmic transaction) happens in a relativity vacuum, hence is absolute. The realness (or ‘is’ness’ effect created by collision of 2 quantised random events (i.e. as acts, hence as momentary constants) in a relativity vacuum is symbolised as c2 (read as c squared).

8.     For ‘quantum’ (German) read: a discrete unit or whole, to wit, a 1 (or one). The notion ‘God is One’ suggests not only that God is numerically one (i.e. a singularity, and therefore incomplete!) but that He (or She or IT) is quantised, hence capable of generating real affect, hence  capable of generating real ‘existence’ (sorry! the term ‘existence’ is yet undefined). Indeed the notion ‘One is God’, that IT presents as whole, discrete quantum, hence capable of generating realness and form, is more accurate.

9.     1 to 1, i.e. quantum to quantum (or c : c) contact, and which happens in a relativity vacuum, happens, i.e. emerges as the quality of is’ness, i.e. of realness. Is’ness is therefore quantised. ‘Being’ happens as series of is’ness moments. Real (everyday) form happens as observer superimposed (hence experienced) pattern of series of is’ness moments.

10.    In other words, they don’t actually exist.

11.    i.e. copied with a bit of difference added.

12.    For ‘bite’ read:  an instruction or instruction series ≈ information end state.

13.    Karmic residue is akin to a systems self-organisation end state, hence quantum state.

14.    At contact, both A and B reverse from presenting as end states to presenting as initial states ready to input instruction/data, i.e. ready for karmic (i.e. act end state) transmission ≈ transaction.

15.    For ‘reborn’ read: renewed, indeed re-graded (for survival selection or de-selection) as identifiable realities.

16.    ‘The meaning of a message (as signal) happens as the response to it.’ In short, both A and B present their whole (i.e. made whole ≈ quantised) karmic residue (i.e. the end states of previous actions) for transmission ≈ transaction. Which part/bite of the karmic residue is actually transacted (i.e. received and responded to) depends on the karmic state of the receiver, hence is unpredictable by the sender. In other words, Marshall McLuhan get it slightly wrong when he claimed ’The Medium (as quantised karmic residue) is the message.’

17.    Death (of an end state) of an act, action or actor happens at transmission (i.e. transaction) of karmic residue, i.e. at instruction or data exchange, not after it, as is generally and falsely claimed. It is the act of transmission itself (and happening in a relativity vacuum) that (momentarily) ends, blanks (or blacks) out) the transmitter (as current end state). In short, ‘Die to create,’ i.e. to be reborn. That’s the survival imperative of ‘Create or die.’ In other words, if a system does not create, i.e. renew (and so upgrade its survival capacity) itself it dies (i.e. is deselected). But to renew itself (with transmitted data) it has to die first.

18.    For ‘die’ read: cut, sliced, halted, hence ended and so on. At final death a limited (thus niche) self-regulating, self-organising rules system, for instance a mouse, disintegrates and ceases to transact karmic residue or is eaten and transact its last bite (sic!) of karmic residue. It goes as it were ‘from dust to dust’ and only the (lingering) responses to its transacted residue live on for a while.