Pan-theism as meta-theism



Supposing there exist 500 different games1 with 500 sets of dedicated2 gamers.3



Each dedicated gamer will declare4 that his game5 is the one6 true7 game, consequently surpassing8 all others, consequently good. Moreover he will declare that gamers not playing his one true game are at best fools, cranks or idiots, at worst simply bad or evil, indeed, crooks and worthy of being eliminated.9



Each dedicated gamer of each one of the 500 different games is a heno-gamer because believing his game is the only one true game worth playing.10,11



The pan-gamer observes that all of the 500 different games are merely variations of one (undifferentiated) universal set of gaming rules.12



Likewise there exist 500 different theisms and so on as above.13



The pantheist abstracts out the differential variations of the theisms she encounters and recovers the universal rules template (i.e. G.O.D.14) for generating local theisms (i.e. gods).15


By so doing she goes beyond theism into meta-theism,16 and which turns out to be nought but systems engineering.17


In short, the theism of theisms, hence the inner game of theism, serves as universal rules set for surviving as a real (niche) identity18 over time.










©  2018 by Victor Langheld












1.  For ‘game’ read: a set of rules (in action) regulating a nonsense activity with useful side-effects (i.e. emergents).

2.  In order to play the game at best and so wholly milk the ecstatic happiness for winning or the depressing unhappiness for losing, gamers need to be fully dedicated, i.e. more or less fanatic (like theists).

3.  Or spectators, i.e. voyeurs. What holds good for the actual gamers holds true also for the virtual gamer, i.e. the spectator or follower.

4.  For it is her firmly held belief.

5.  i.e. the rules set she is applying to the best of her ability. It’s the set he has chosen/selected (for personal survival reasons) and, will later claim, which appears to have chosen him.

6.  One = mono = heno. The gamer fully dedicated to a particular (chosen) game is a heno-gamer.

7.  It is true because she plays her game at 100% hence knows no other game, indeed no other activity other than her game. In short, she plays her game as ‘the One without a Second’ (and which latter aphorism is taken from the ancient Indian Upanishads).

8.  Hence sure to select for survival.

9.  Such polarization (observed every time and everywhere when gamers, religious and political followers (of fashion) clash) is necessary to sustain, indeed strengthen the intensity of dedication (or yoga, i.e. concentration, hence anti-entropy) which alone transmutes a virtual reality (as ordering system) into an actual one.

10.   Because he believes it will ensure his survival (and happiness).

11.   Naturally the professional gamer (i.e. the priest) will, because his life depends on it, vigorously defend his game, no matter how silly or irrelevant, against all comers, even to the point of eliminating his opponents. And, moreover, since he, as perfect selfie of the SELF, is wholly compliant with the universal ordering rules set (i.e. G.O.D.), hence good (rather than if he were non-compliant, meaning disobedient, hence sinful = bad) he, because quite justly experiencing himself as god, will increase and intensify his game (or theism) indefinitely (at the expense of others) in order to achieve maximum wealth, power, prestige, identity, reality and so on. So the top drawer professional gamer, like the Pope, lives in a grand palace where he defends and promotes his game for his benefit and that of his immediate supporters.

12.   In other words, the universal rules set (or template or principle, i.e. G.O.D., i.e. the SELF) serves as the ‘inner game’ of all games (emerging as local differential iterations = selfies). Knowing the ‘inner game’ (i.e. the G.O.D., i.e. the SELF of all games, one knows all games. So the ancient Upanishads. So the pan-gamer ‘sees all with an equal eye’ (quote from the Bhagavatgita).

13.   Theisms serve as games (i.e. rules sets) of a different kind.

14.   For G.O.D. substitute SELF as automatic ordering device.

15.   For ‘the gods’ read: the local (or niche) orders (as local rules sets) which the SELF generates (as universal rules set that orders, i.e. that reverses entropy) as wholly recursive albeit differential elaborations, hence as selfies.

16.   Ever since that fool Aristotle open his big fat Greek mouth and yapped about meta-physics, i.e. as that which emerges beyond physics, the notion of transcendence to a meta-state has been imagined as going forwards and upwards, i.e. towards greater abstraction and/or refinement. In actual fact, it is more profitable to conceive of going ‘meta’ (beyond) as going backwards and downwards (along the evolutionary gradient), that is to say, to a prior initial state. Going ‘meta’ actually means reverting from a (local or niche) application (i.e. a selfie) in time to the non-local, timeless rules of application, namely the meta-application (as SELF). Going ‘meta’ means reverting from the big (or complex) to the small (or simplex), and which in turn simply means applying Ockham’s Razor that cuts out the unnecessary crap.

17.   Theisms (like all games) are designed to reengineer and so upgrade both personal and group behaviour and so survival strategies.

18.   Be that an individual or a group, horde, clan, tribe or nation.