The logic of predation



To stay alive1 a dynamic complex (quantum) of order,2,3 such as a human or a virus, must continuously4 acquire energy.5


It, i.e. an eco, acquires, i.e. transfers energy by predating6 lower complexity order7 quanta. As side-effect of transferring energy it also transfers8 some or all of the complexity of the predated lower order quantum. By so doing the eco restores and/or increases9 both its energy supply and its order.


If an eco does not predate, i.e. scavenge, it decays and dies.10

Since it cannot contact and so predate the same,11 it must needs predate what is different.12


In short, a complex dynamic order system, that is to say, an eco, such as the human, must predate (i.e. kill and eat) to survive.13 By so predating a dynamic eco14 recharges its energy store and increases (or at least alters) its complexity, thereby becoming different.15,16 By becoming different it increases its chances of further successful predation and so survival.17


Since survival, i.e. continuance, is the sine qua non of eco ordering (i.e. of life) a (natural) logic act is defined as one that increases18 survival.19














©  2018 by Victor Langheld













1.  That is to say, to continue coming alive, meaning to survive. Survival, i.e. continuance is the goal/thrust of existence. Ecos, i.e. specifically adapted rules sets, such as the human, are ( a transient) means to that end. An eco orders random (and quantised) energy (momentum) as an ongoing (seemingly analogue or relative) permanent stream in much the same way as a down-pipe in a hydro-electric water-works channels ‘falling’ water to extract its relative (to the turbine) momentum as energy.

2.  Meaning an ongoing process of re-energising and re-adapting ordering.

3.  To wit, an ‘eco’, i.e. an ecological system, a limited order as constraints system, elsewhere named because experienced as a ‘self’.

4.  Moment to moment, meaning quantum (of momentum) by quantum (of momentum).

5.  Energy is defined as the (quantised) affect of the collision (@c) of random/direct (hence in a relativity vacuum) momenta.

6.  The verb ‘predate’ is derived from the Latin praedari, meaning: ‘seize as plunder’, from Latin praeda ‘booty.’  In other words, to predate means ‘to loot.’ More specifically to predate means to scavenge.

7.  i.e. relatively disordered.

8.  i.e. assimilates.

9.  Whether or not an eco (i.e. a complex unit of order) increases its energy supply and/or its complexity is decided by need, the latter being decided by survival competition, i.e. by competition for further looting.

10.   It becomes prey.

11.   i.e. itself, i.e. what is identical to it, i.e. having the same rules and travelling in the same direction (i.e. in parallel) thus providing no actual energy.

12.   Thus scavenging/predating ‘difference that makes a difference.’ For ‘difference’ read: of alternate order. ‘Only random (unordered) events (impulses/momenta) carry instructions, i.e. can strike (and transfer energy ≈ random momentum) and alter direction/complexity. In other words, to build a better car I loot some (energy and difference laden) parts/junk from what appears to me to be a scrap yard, i.e. (lower order) nature.

13.   Hence, as the Greek pantheist Heraclitus states, ‘War (i.e. strife) is the father of all, the king of all, and he has shown some as gods, others as humans; he has made some slaves, others free.’

14.   Partially dynamic ecos, such as (highly complex) hadrons, like the hydrogen ‘atom’, are spring-loaded. Dynamic ecos scavenge the energy stored in the spring-loaded ‘atoms’ and in their random movement.

15.   For ‘different’ read: fitter and therefore more able to survive the selection struggle, i.e. ‘nature tooth and claw’ as Gods judgement, namely trial by mortal combat.

16.   By now it has become clear that Darwin’s proposition that ‘random mutation (due to copying errors in basic architecture) in large populations’ + selection causes evolution was at best a dodgy hunch and not a scientific theory. Likewise Lamarck whose adaptation (possibly epigenetic) proposition was never disproved (over the long run). No one truly knows how highly complex systems, such as ants or cobras, emerge and to what end. Of course there are plenty of opinions. But the source of life yet remains a complete mystery.

17.   Every eco (as momentarily closed/perfect, thus ‘house’ like, Greek: oikos) ordering system serves as trial/experiment (by mortal combat (Sanskrit: samsara)) run to invent/create increased survival capacity. Since an actual means to increased survival is unpredictable (in a quantised universe), nature runs (i.e. collides) billions of ecos (such as the human) in parallel, banking on the statistical probability that at least one eco will generate a different order that produces a survival upgrade. The ecos that don’t produce the goods, i.e. that have proved themselves ‘unfit’, are eliminated (by Pan) without mercy, pity or compassion. That (anthropocentric) human ecos believe that (lower ≈ alternate order) nature (as ground or basic operating system eco) serves them rather than that they serve nature is factually correct since human ecos, being at present top of the food chain, operate as the best (i.e. most complex and efficient at generating survival) nature could do under the circumstances.

18.   Since an eco decays, i.e. dies from moment to moment its survival capacity must be increased (replenished) from moment to moment. Likewise, since an eco’s difference, hence contact capacity, is momentary (because quantised) it must continuously vary its difference. Hence: “The right way is the untrodden. It becomes the wrong way when you’ve stepped on it.” Victor Langheld 1976.

19.   Hence predation is naturally logic.