Sadcidananta The pantheist-become-metatheist1,
ever mindful of the insight that her theos, i.e.
her G.O.D. (i.e. SELF) operates as universally applicable top-down behaviour
rules template that emerged2 from bottom-up abstraction of best behaviour
practice god (i.e. niche, i.e. selfie, thus public) behaviour,3
naturally asks the question4 as to the nature (as essential
features) of (abstracted) best behaviour5 and its private
experience.6 Best behaviour7 results
both in (momentary, digital) self-completion and (analogue) survival, that is
to say, in real, self-identifiable (meaning conscious) unlimited continuance,
or, as the Upanishad Indians experienced it, in (Sanskrit) sadcidananta,8
attainment of the latter experience9 being signalled with joy
(Sanskrit: ananda).10 In other words, the pantheist-become-metatheist’s most satisfying because wholly fulfilling,
and therefore thrilling experience11 emerges as the direct
experience of being actually present as real, identifiable unit within the
everyday world which she knows to happen12 as (conditional) play
of illusion, as Lila of Maya. In short, the ultimate experience of
the pantheist-become-metatheist happens if and when
she experiences herself, which is to say, becomes aware of herself, as
identifiable reality. And by recursive extension13 when she turns
her fantasy (i.e. her dream-as-play) into reality, that is to say, when she
makes her dream come true and so becomes true (whole and complete).14 © 2018 by
Victor Langheld |
1. The pantheist, believing that ‘All is God,’ i.e. the
God is ‘’Nature doing its thing.’ theorises (i.e. fantasises) about the
behaviour (as self-ordering cum self-regulation) template of all systems and
which she apprehends via the behaviour of a local template. In short, she
grasps the general whole via its particular detail. The henotheist (Shivite, Vishnavite, Christian,
Parsi and so on) theorises (i.e. fantasises) about
the behaviour (as self-ordering) template of a selected few (as group). The metatheist theorises (i.e. fantasises) as about systems
behaviour (i.e. as self-ordering) as such. 2. Emergence is continuous. Though some rules are
invariant, the (locally adapted) rules template must in principle be continually
updated lest it becomes redundant and so inhibitive (i.e. non-compliant),
thus counterproductive, as observed during both the Christian and Hind ‘dark
ages’. 3. For ‘best behaviour practice’ (that selects ‘the
fittest’) read: local, i.e. niche survival strategies. Local niche survival
strategies (i.e. the selfies as gods) happen as mere details, albeit wholly
recursive, hence as identical copies, of the universal survival strategy =
SELF = G.O.D. 4. i.e. is driven by the inherent need to attain completion. 5. i.e. as full compliance with (hence righteousness
within) the most efficient, therefore ‘best’ rules system-as-template. 6. Private experience (as con’sciousness
and self-con’sciousness), that is to say,
actualisation as realisation, i.e. making real and identifying completes the
virtual the ‘waits’ as unreal and unidentifiable universal ordering
architecture and/or as local fantasy or dream. 7. According to one early Buddhist sutra the Shakyamuni
claimed: ‘I’m a Buddha because I’m fearless and cannot be bested.’ This
anticipates Spencer’s (later Darwin’s) notion of ‘selection of the fittest.’
In Buddhist terms, ‘best’ means: ‘most profitable’ (Pali:
kusala). 8. Sad
or sat (i.e. sati) is
generally translated (so Monier-Williams) to mean: being,
existing, occurring, happening, being present, in other words ‘being real’.
What the word originally meant to its inventors is unknown. Cid or cit
has multiple meanings, such as thought, perception; or perceive, attend
to, observe; or, understand, know, comprehend, or, be conscious of and so on. ananta is
generally translated as: unlimited, unbounded. 9. sadcidananta is the ever present ground (and grounding)
experience of consciousness (operating as systems status monitoring
operation) and therefore very easy to become conscious or aware of. sadcidananta is neither
achieved nor attained. It is simply brought into awareness by application of
mindfulness. The ever presenting ground experience of sadcidananta
can, if so desired, be intensified (during meditation) to absolute maximum
capacity = oneness = wholeness (then experienced as ‘one-without-a-second’)
and thereby experienced as ‘all (or) pervading (or present).’ 10. The Sanskrit word ananda is usually translated to mean:
happiness, joy, bliss and so on. To make the attainment of sadcid (now translated as ‘being
& consciousness’) user friendly, i.e. popular and warm (i.e. with
‘heart’) and so desirable, the original word ananta, meaning
unlimited (and which is cold, ‘heartless and so undesirable) was replaced
with (the reward or salvation feature of) ananda. 11. Joyfully ecstatic because completion (i.e. @oneness
of two, to wit, of the SELF and its selfie) has been achieved @ maximum
capacity. Completion happens if and when minimum entropy (hence perfect
order) is achieved and internal or external enlightenment (cause by work,
i.e. by contact) happens. 12. Sub specie aeternitatis. 13. i.e. as local application, which is to say, when she
creates a (differential) selfie of herself, 14. Thereby being fully compliant with, there
at-one-with the universal ordering (i.e. creation) rules, i.e. G.O.D. |