The meaning of logic



The word logic is derived from the ancient Greek logiké (tekhnē) ‘(art/craft) of reason, from logos ‘word, reason’.


The word reason is derived from the Old French raison from the Latin reri ‘consider’ and taken to mean (sic) ‘to think, understand, form a judgement’. All nice but woolly.


The notion of logic becomes less woolly if it is understood to mean @min. entropy. In short, logic happens as a set of rules (or forces, as in art) that generates (indeed selects according to its rules) order from dis-order, a logic unit or quantum happening when @min. entropy is achieved.


In everyday terms that means logic is a set of rules that brings about completion (i.e. @1 ≈ enstasy) status. Or, the rules set called logic serves to eliminate incompletion.


A self-complete unit, simple or complex, is called perfect because wholly self-logic. Self-perfect, hence logic units ‘wait’

    A knife without something to cut is not a knife but a random (of unpredictable use), hence virtual tool. A ‘thing’ is what it does.    More…

as virtual (thus random) events for contact with another logic or non-logic unit, hence are unreal and unidentifiable; for instance a knife ‘waiting’ for something to cut. Upon contact with an alternate self-perfect thus logic unit, for instance when a knife cuts something, a logic unit, if simple, becomes (in fact ‘is@) real and, if complex both real and identifiable.


A simple self-complete (i.e. perfect) but other incomplete, hence virtual logic unit, i.e. a random event or quantum, is symbolised as 1c, whereby c is taken to mean @max. (instant) contact rate/speed in a relativity vacuum. A complex logic unit is symbolised as 1(1,1,1,1,1 to n)c.


A simple self-simple – self-other complete, hence actual (because real) logic unit is symbolised as 1c2 because contact/collision/strike happens between two 1c’s in a relativity vacuum.


In everyday terms, logic selects perfect (hence @min. entropy, hence complete because enstatic) order in any unordered environment. A thing is virtually logic if self-complete (i.e. perfect) and actually logic self-other complete (i.e. fulfilled, goal achieved).


© 2016 Victor Langheld