Pantheism fundamentals








This pantheist believes that:



Emergence1 is meaningful.2,3


(Re-)Ordering4 is meaningful5 if it supports6 emergence.









© 2020 by Victor Langheld







1.     i.e. ‘life’ (i.e. god) ≈ each and every complete (identifiable and real) quantum of order, simple or complex.

2.     i.e. significant to a responder in that it re-orders and thereby completes him/her/it. To wit: ‘The meaning of a message (i.e. of an identifiable contact-as-instruction) is the response it generates.’

3.     Pseudo-monotheists, hence dualists such as Christians, Vaishnavites, ‘two truths’ Mahayanist Buddhists and non-dual Vedantists, believe that only selected emergences (for instance moral or sectarian responses) are meaningful. Theravada Buddhists and Samkhya-Yogis believe that emergence as such (i.e. samsara), because emerging from ignorance, i.e. avidya and therefore painful, is meaningless.

4.     For ‘ordering’ read: repeating a limited, thus complete, series of random events/quanta.

5.     For ‘meaningful’ read:  a means to a (completed) change of order or realness, i.e. to a survival (or fitness) upgrade. In everyday terms, function or procedure completion (i.e. goal (of survival) achievement) is meaningful.

6.     Since all orders (of identifiable realness) quanta emerge as dynamic systems, ‘support’ means: decreasing entropy (i.e. incompleteness).