Pantheism updated





The irrelevance of pantheism


The pantheist infers that all identifiable realities emerge from one basic procedure, nowadays called a platform.


Each emergent happens as one self-variation of the platform, hence is not different from the platform.


Since the platform is common to, hence same for all, it does not emerge. Non-emergent it is irrelevant by the emerged.



The henotheist believes that her world of identifiable realities emerges from one selected, hence identifiable procedure (-as-platform) common to her and her peers. Because differentiated because selected her emerged platform is uncommon to all other emerged, hence relevant to her and all others.




Because the pantheist’s platform-as-GOD is same for all and therefore indifferent from and thus towards all, its emergents remain indifferent to that platform since, being non-different, it cannot make a difference, i.e. upgrade its emergent’s survival capacity.



©  2020 by Victor Langheld









The pantheist infers1 that all2 identifiable3 realities4 emerge from one basic5 procedure,6 nowadays called a platform.7


Each emergent8 happens as one self-variation9 of the platform,10 hence is not different from the platform.11


Since the platform is common to, hence same for all, it does not emerge. Non-emergent it is irrelevant12 by the emerged.



The henotheist believes that her world of identifiable realities emerges from one selected, hence identifiable procedure (-as-platform)13 common to her and her peers. Because differentiated because selected14 her emerged platform is uncommon to all other emerged, hence relevant to her and all others.15




Because the pantheist’s platform-as-GOD is same for all and therefore indifferent from and thus towards all, its emergents remain indifferent to that platform since, being non-different, it cannot make a difference, i.e. upgrade its emergent’s survival capacity.16












©  2020 by Victor Langheld






1.      Or deduces. Inference happens as thought experiment. An inference, if intensified to the exclusion of all else, can be experienced.

2.      For ‘ALL’ read: the (or any and every) world or the (i.e. any and every) universe emerges (falsely to an observer with reduced observation capacity) as an ongoing and real whole (i.e. a ‘being’) that actually happens as an aggregate of discrete procedures proceeding discretely.

3.      i.e. because differentiated. The undifferentiated, hence same is not identifiable.

4.      A reality (indeed, a realness moment symbolized as 1c2) happens as the affect of contact between two quanta (actually energy packets) in a relativity vacuum. Note that realness is quantised rather than continuous and eternal) as the ancients believed and some contemporary henotheists still believe. Idem identity.

5.      The pantheist believes that he/she (and every world) emerges from one and the same, common to all, hence unselected platform/procedure. Hence he/she states: ‘GOD happens as  the emergence procedure common to all.’ The henotheist believes he/she (and his/her world) emerges from one selected procedure common to all his or her peers. Hence she states: ‘My God is my selected emergence procedure.’ In other words, nature (naturans) is indifferent, culture (naturata) isn’t.

6.      A procedure happens as a series of random constraints (i.e. contacts) reacting to momentum/energy. The series becomes established as sequence (i.e. as rules or regulation set, i.e. as code) via active repetition (or energised iteration).

7.      Like Amazon, Google, Pizza Hut, the Soccer Association et al. Translate ‘platform’ into Latin as templum, i.e. temple.

8.      Every identifiable reality happens as (momentary, thus quantised) emergent. An emergent, popularly known as a creation), happens (continuously) as differential iteration of the platform. The platform is same for all, hence undifferentiated, hence for the emergent unidentifiable and unreal. Emergents, though different from each other, proceed as it were in parallel, i.e. same and equal, therefore never to meet, collide and create an actual event.

9.      For ‘self-variation’ substitute the notion of: self-differentiated (thus adapted) application; or mode (so Spinoza). The mode is cognized by other modes by its attributes, i.e. by its difference.

10.     For the modern notion of ‘platform’ substitute the ancient notions of: 1st principle, 1st cause, substance, i.e. GOD and so on.

11.     In other words, the platform (i.e. GOD) and its self-variations (or self-adaptations, i.e. the emergents as gods) are identical, Sanskrit: advaita. In the early Upanishads, all anthologies of thought experiments, the single common, because undifferentiated platform was named (nirguna) Brahman and its uncommon, because differentiated emergents (saguna) Brahman; or more simply put elsewhere, Brahman and Atman, the two being deemed identical.

12.     i.e. because not relativized because no differentiated.

13.     The henotheist’s selected platform-as-God happens (more precisely stated reacts) as an identifiable and thus real emergent. The pantheist’s platform-as-GOD ‘waits’ (i.e. to react) as unidentifiable and thus unreal.

14.     The henotheist’s (different) platform is selected (i.e. adapted, cultured) to give her/him a survival edge or upgrade. The pantheist’s unselected (hence same for all, hence non-adapted, uncultured) platform supports the survival of all emergents.

15.     In other words, the henotheist’s platform-as-God is concerned about, i.e. focused on its emergent’s survival. The pantheist’s platform-as-GOD is indifferent to its emergent’s survival.

16.     In other words, the henotheist’s God cares, loves, makes a survival positive difference and so on whereas the pantheist’s GOD doesn’t.