The Brain as Reality Simulator
By now most people know that the brain
serves as data1 processor, that is to say, as a blind2
auto-pilot or Bio-Nav. It collects and collates
data (about 16 million bits per second) supplied via the sensors3
and from memory and transforms that data into an iconic4
simulation5 of the world which then serves as Guide & Control
frame for physical, emotional and mental action.6 In short, the world we experience as
consciousness7 is the simulation of data compressions filtered and
screened for our benefit with user friendly icons, such as pictures, colours,
sounds, feelings and so on. Whether or not the simulation (hence our
consciousness) is true or false (i.e. fake) is determined by reality testing,
i.e. by testing against subsequent externally acquired or previously acquired
and internally replayed data.8 As far as the brain is concerned, and
it ain’t concerned9 because all it does,
like a calculator, is compute data, all data
accessed by the brain is true10 until
proven false by subsequent or alternate data. The brain of itself cannot distinguish
between true or false because the origin and possible meaning lie beyond the
scope of its data accessors. It merely computes a best The
man who has no dream In short, all data processed by the
brain into its current simulation of the world, to wit, consciousness14
is true until proven false by subsequent reality testing.15 The biological and cultural advantages
of data processing systems that process all data as true, hence produce only
true (self-referenced) simulations of the world, are obvious.16
All worlds (i.e. states of consciousness, and which include beliefs) are fundamentally
true17 (hence certain, hence reliable and so comforting, as are placebos) until proven false (meaning
uncertain hence painful, at least initially) by reality testing.18 The upshot is that the brain, a
bio-system’s navigation system, simulates, in essence dreams a bio-system’s
world and which that bio-system falsely experiences as actual = true.
The (Wo)-Man whose dream bubble burst A bio-system’s navigation system, i.e.
its blind auto-pilot,19 instructs20
its blind hardware carrier, i.e. the physical part of the overall instruction
transmutation system, to contact adjacent carriers and by so doing make
itself real, i.e. realize itself, in the everyday world.21 In
other words, a bio-system makes its simulation-cum-dream (of survival) come
true (via the exhilarating experience of novel emerging effects22)
by means of hardware contact. So it is that all living systems stay alive and
real by living their dream, if they’ve got one. And what a bio-system is,
that is to say, how it experiences itself, reflects its (Big) dream or its
(little) dreams or the lack, confusion or vagueness thereof. © 2018 by Victor Langheld
1. For datum read: a quantum or packet (hence digit) of
instruction, strike or contact. The (personal) response to a series of strikes/contacts,
namely a series of personally invented iconic images, for instance a
verbalised thought, is an interpretation, hence as metaphor. Strikes/contacts are digital and
quantised, i.e. momentary. Cosmologists
are now beginning to realize that time and space too are digitised. 2. Blind because detached from (i.e. independent of) the source (code) or cause of the instruction or strike, hence fundamentally reactive or passive. In short, blind because the incoming strike/contact is unpredictable because essentially random. Detached also from the effects of its data output, hence the meaning (or actual message) of its output. Note: ‘The meaning of a message (i.e. instruction) is the response it elicits.’ 3. The sensors operate like high resolution, high-speed
digital cameras. 4. Iconic (or ‘as metaphor’) means a user friendly form (i.e. figure/outline/limitation, such as an image or sound or taste) that reduces response time. There are no sounds, sights, smells or tastes outside the brain, only strike packets. The actual world we experience is a virtual reality of our own invention. 5. A simulation is an ‘as if’ representation, to wit, a virtual reality, that is to say, a metaphor. The notions of the soul, of God, of angels, of heaven and so on function ‘as if’ user friendly representations serving to create certitude and thereby provide comfort and consolation that enhance often dangerous, painful and uncertain creative engagement with the everyday world. 6. In other words, the brain functions as (software)
dream machine. The (software) dreams serve as Guide & Control parameters
for (hardware via contact) action. Hence it was formerly told, falsely: ‘I
think therefore I am’. Now it is said: ‘As I dream so I become!’ And ‘if I
don’t dream (the one Big dream) I don’t become’
hence decay and die. 7. Consciousness (con’sciousness (Latin) = the coming or playing together of iconised instruction series or flows (i.e. as bits of Latin: scientia = knowledge) in the brain) happens as user friendly, hence via metaphors, personal real-time screening process of the current biological system’s multiple subsystems statuses vis-à-vis the world. The screening process, quantised (i.e. reified) as stable/constant screen supported by the (essentially false) self-referencing sensations of ‘I’ (me, mine), serves (like a dashboard) as basis (or initial state) for instant self-regulation and adaptation, hence as auto-pilot or Guide & Control function. Its base drive is survival. Why bio systems are driven to survive is a mystery! ‘Consciousness arises from contact!’ so the Buddha ca. 500BC. 8. In short, the momentary given state represented by the brain’s simulation of its just past data acquisitions is reality tested against the very next data inputs (or previous inputs) and in relation to the current (or expected) survival capacity needs. The initial input is registered as true, to be verified or falsified by the next input. If the next input is a repeat, the initial input suffers diminishing (energy and hence survival) returns and is eventually classified or eliminated as false. So it is that ‘the latest’ is always ‘better’ if not ‘best’, except where religious beliefs are concerned and where the opposite holds true. 9. The brain, being detached from the data’s source/cause or its output’s end effect, does not, cannot judge (i.e. relativize) data. It merely computes and stores it. That’s why the brain is blind and so is its pilot, i.e. its navigation (to survival) function. 10. It is true (i.e. de-relativised, i.e. happening in a reality vacuum) because contact, i.e. strike happens 1:1, hence at the rate/speed of c. ‘On’ is true. ’Off’ simply isn’t! An ‘On’ variation or differential makes the previous ‘On’ true or false. 11. Just like an airplane simulator. The only world a
human knows is a simulation of selected virtual facts/data/pictures, all
icons (i.e. user friendly formal representations) produced, meaning invented
by the brain. 12. In short, the brain’s simulations both of the
current system’s state (i.e. its current world) and of the goal (or outcome
as problem resolution) and route to be taken to increased (or avoided
decrease of) survival capacity are of the nature of dreams. Obviously, if the
brain does not create a virtual reality of a goal, i.e. the Big Dream, then
the bio-system begins to fall apart. 13. If reality testing is inhibited by cutting off (as
in Yoga via the reduction of turbulence, see Patanjali’s
Yoga Sutra No 2)), bending (or distorting or selecting, as in Japa Yoga) or echoing subsequent data (i.e. constant
repetition as happens in religious and scientific communities driven to
self-survival) then the brain will continue presenting false data as
true. See also: Flooding 14. Consciousness, the current system’s real-time
system’s status display, is always an ‘as if’, simulation, thus dream, a
(second hand) manageable, hence user friendly metaphor for the effects of user
unfriendly, because unmanageable data streams. What (whole) reality beyond
the sensors (always selective and limited) actually looks like, what it
consists of, is unknown. 15. That means that all biological systems arrive at a
true outcome (i.e. for them their world is true = perfect = “100%” = “1”) if
no further data are presented for reality testing or the original data is
repeated. Because of this, each biological system can invent (not find) and
live in its own perfect = true world and so decide and live out its true
self, provided it remains cut of, or cuts itself off from alternate data that
would test and, possibly, falsify its current truth. 16. A biological system can only make comforting/reassuring
(survival) decisions based on data it (its current initial state) hold to be
true, hence certain because complete. Since the next datum, and which proves
the current one true of false, is uncertain it can only be prepared for by
taking a true stance and thereby giving itself a fair chance to survive the
next datum. 17. That is to say, useful
fictions. 18. It’s because each one of the 7500 million humans
alive today, and all having pretty much the same cerebral (i.e. data
processing) hardware and software, exists in an individually simulated, hence
personally dreamt up, momentarily true world, that each one can survive in
relative certainty and so comfort. Each humans adapts physically, emotionally
and mentally to its internally generated simulation, i.e. to its dream of the
world, thus finding personal homeostasis, and happiness too if survival is
assured. 19. Elsewhere experienced as the Third Eye. 20. Mostly with chemicals, hormones and the like. 21. The ‘true self’ happens if and when the invented
(i.e. simulated) self-upgrade (as goal) is made real = @100% by contact. True
(elsewhere called ‘absolute’) happens only when a relativity vacuum is
created (via timeless. spaceless, formless quantum
to quantum contact). 22. Elsewhere simply called ‘difference’, as in
‘difference makes a difference’ and which brings to life. In Buddhism and
elsewhere ‘difference’ called ‘The Other Shore.’ See
also: The Pantheist and his dream machine |