The SELF and its selfies The ever mindful1 pantheist
observes2 that all living systems are self-driving.3 In
other words, all living systems4 emerge as outcomes of
spontaneous, therefore blind self-organisation, self-regulation,
self-adaptation and self-realization functions operating together as a set of
basic (or ground) self-creation rules. In short, the pantheist realises5
not only that the set of basic creation rules-as-functions, i.e. G.O.D., here
simply renamed the SELF to enhance folksy communication, operates as blind
automaton but that all its local but wholly recursive albeit differential
iterations (the SELF’s selfies) also operate as blind automatons.6
So, being self-driven, for reasons
unknown, to think wholly,8 the pantheist
abstracts a (i.e. the) set of basic self-creation functions from multiple
specific, i.e. local creation rules sets. Then she first generalises and
thereafter universalises them.9 And by universalising the
abstracted and generalised set of creation rules she deifies them.10
Then, in order to simplify understanding for the benefit of her neighbours
and who are not so observant because distracted in the process of maturing to
perfect local deities (i.e. selfies) she names the self-creation functions
set with the acronym G.O.D. (i.e. the SELF). The discretely observing pantheist
also grasps that the basic set of creation functions, now simply called the
SELF, is incomplete.11 That’s because the SELF though omnipresent
merely ‘waits’12 as virtual and discrete (i.e. quantised)
potential. To achieve completion, and only 2
can tango, it needs to prove itself.13 And it does that by
digitally generating a zillion actual, local (i.e. niche) selfies of itself
and which it runs (i.e. sequences) as an analogue display in analogue
real-time, thus making itself real and identifiable in real-time, thereby
actually complete.14 In other words, the pantheist cognises
(indeed imagines) in each bit of the whole universe the SELF (i.e. G.O.D.) (digitally) self-actualising as a real identifiable albeit
local selfie. Alas, the virtual SELF, meaning the self-creation automaton,
i.e. G.O.D. as basic ordering (rules) set, never emerges as actual
identifiable realness. All we15 get to identify and experience are
its local real-time selfies.
© 2018 by
Victor Langheld |
1. For ‘mindful’ read: observing discretely. The early
Buddhist notion of mindfulness was conceived as ‘savitacco,
savicaro samadhi’,
meaning: clean observation, clear analysis and @ maximum concentration. 2. ‘Observation’ is a euphemism (i.e. a user friendly
communication) for the simulation with internally generated icons of external
and internal digital data streams. 3. Note that a self-driving car has no actual,
identifiable driver but is Guide & Controlled by a set of rules (i.e.
algorithm), albeit highly complex. 4. Presenting as analogues of vast digital data
streams. 5. With this realization (as cognition) the pantheist mutates
from theism, as deified group (hence niche application) organisation rules
system to meta-theism, as overall, hence pre-niche-application
self-organisation rules system. By so doing the pantheist redesigns (i.e.
re-dreams) herself as fully mature local application of the overall creation
rules set, i.e. as local god yet to manifest as a bit of identifiable
realness, i.e. as a locally cognizable hardware copy. 6. In other words, every bit of (or in) the (or my or
your) universe operates as fundamentally blind self-driving system, hence as
automaton proceeding via random steps. Hence: “The right Way Is the untrodden. It becomes the wrong
Way When you’ve stepped
on it.” Victor
(1975) 7. The notion of ‘SELF’ covers the ancient notions of Brahman,
Atman, G,O.D., the Mother Goddess (or matrix), her
Yoni (or vulva = womb of creation) as metaphor for open source
ordering/processing. The term (and notion of) ‘selfie’ covers the ancient
notion of ‘the created’, the lingam (of Shiva), the saguna
Brahman and so on and is the 21s century word used to describe a real-time representation
of the SELF. SELF and selfie are identical, though differentiated (i.e. relativized
because a selected limitation), and thereby made cognizable, especially when
compared with other selfies. Only selfies are cognizable since the SELF
operates as rules template. 8. ‘Wholly’ here meaning: all inclusively, hence pan. 9. The process of universalization and so of
deification can be cleanly observed in the mutation of Mahayana Buddhism from
Hinayana Buddhism and when an open modern non-religious social engineering
and behaviour modification (as in the Nobel 8-fold Path) project was turned
(by Brahmins masquerading as Buddhists, such as Nagarjuna,
Vasubandu, Asanga, Dignaga and others) into (i.e. regressed to) a closed
religious belief system (disguising the early non-religious Buddhist social
engineering project). Today Tibetan and Japanese Buddhist religions are a
sorry reminder of that regressive step. 10. Deification of the universal, the universal being
that (i.e. the ONE) which ‘holds for all’, is pantheism pure. Deification of
the universal (i.e. the ONE) covering a selection, for instance, this or that
group, hence ‘holding for some’ is henotheism pure. 11. Incompleteness presents as Original Sin, meaning: as
inherent failure. It is the felt need, most often experienced as ‘dark
tunnel’ or ‘night’, and accompanied by depression and despair, to become
complete that drives the entire creation machine (i.e. G.O.D. as 12. It waits (in Buddhist nir-vana)
to respond to turbulence (Buddhist: vana), such as
a big or small bang or shock. 13. It proves itself, just like its niche application,
by generating an identifiable (i.e. conscious) hard = real copy. 14. In other words, the Original Sin/failure of
incompleteness, as virtual hence unreal and non-identifiable non-existence, hence
of non-compliance with (i.e. as disobedience to) the complete creation
process, is removed, i.e. turned into Original Good/success by generating an
actual, albeit momentary identifiable real existence. And which, of course,
always happens for every niche application ‘when my dream comes true.’ 15. i.e. as momentary (or temporary and transient) niche
applications, i.e. selfies. |