Pantheism fundamentals









The pantheist believes1 in nature.2,3,4


The mono-theist believes in an ‘other’ beyond nature.5,6,7










© 2020 by Victor Langheld









1.     i.e. Belief serves the incomplete (i.e. open) as means (or strategy) to completion (or closure).

2.     For the pantheist only nature exists. He or she is subject to the laws/constraints and freedoms of nature. He/she may choose to believe that nature ≈ GOD.

3.     For ‘nature’ read: whatever is born/emerged as identifiable reality. About the un-born (and the dead as no longer emerged) nothing can be said.

4.     Pantheist belief suits the mature who can protect and guide themselves.

5.     i.e. The mono-theist, as dualist, such as the Christian or Moslem, believes that his or her (one) God is (vis. exists as ‘omnipotent, omniscient, real and eternal ‘other’) beyond nature, hence a supernature (or supernatural). He or she is subject to unnatural laws/constraints and freedoms.

6.     Both believers worship their GOD/God to induce (in fact, superimpose) completion thereby avoiding the discomfort of incompleteness.

7.     Monotheistic (i.e. ‘my (or our) one God’) belief is designed to protect and guide the immature.