Modern Pantheism


A logo of a camera

Description automatically generated           At the Druid’s PANTHEON    

           at Victor’s Way in Roundwood, Ireland






Pan’theism up-dated for the 21st century



The pantheist1 accepts that all he/she can observe2 (i.e. experience as personal fact) is nature.3 Because of the seemingly unlimited creativity4 of nature some pantheists choose, for practical reasons, to call nature GOD.5



The pantheist does not observe a supernatural entity6 (i.e. an AI generated (hence culturally expedient) GOD (such as the human generated conceptions of Yahweh or Brahman) as different from nature.



In short, the pantheist understands nature ≡ (i.e. identical with) GOD.7



Hence the laws of nature = GOD’s laws.8



NOTE: Pantheist belief is expedient only for mature, independent adults, i.e. for dynamic self-regulating systems capable of freely applying the basic creation procedure to self-adaptation. Belief in (AI generated) supernatural9 Creation, Guide & Control system/entity is useful for the dependent and immature, i.e. for those transitioning (via the juvenile phase of part dependent/part independent) to free self-regulation and adaptation.10,11


A red and black frog on a green surface

Description automatically generated



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A statue of a bearded person

Description automatically generated




1… Pan = (Greek) meaning ALL.  Theos (Greek) meaning God. Pantheism means: All is God, or, every emergent in the universe applies the God/emergence operating system. Thus ‘LIFE is god’.

2… For ‘observe’ read: register a physical response.* Nature affects (i.e. instructs) a biological system via billions of individual data instruction/contacts per second, whereby each strike makes the incoming datum real. These contacts/instructions are reconfigured by the brain as identifiable (thus cognizable) realities. The pantheist’s view is derived from science; the local theist’s is derived from fantasy and upheld by faith.

*All contacts (i.e. as quantised wave pulses = instructions = charges), both external and internal, operate as quantised wave pulse collisions @c (in a vacuum), hence are registered as physical, hence as real (hence positive).

3… The totality of all identified (because repeated or remembered) realities-as-wave-interference-patterns (i.e. made real via contact).

4… For creativity read: newly emerging dynamic complexity. Note that creativity (i.e. adaptive complexity) happens as response (to quantised turbulence = discrete random momentum).

5… For GOD (the AI generated fantasy of a supernatural entity) understand: an automatic series (or pattern) of constraints, i.e. a blind, automatic dynamic procedure (or basic operating system of fundamental physical forces) that enables the emergence of identifiable realities.

6… The ‘no GOD’ view was first proposed (and indeed widespread) in India about 2800BC by the Charvakas/ (or Lokayatas), later by Jains and Buddhists (and some Taoists), later still by the pre-Socratics and Epicure. The Charvaka mantra appears to have been: “Nature is all we’ve got. So let’s make the best of it.” To avoid social friction, pantheists generally admit to believing in God, save that theirs’ is nature itself. The AI generated God/ruler of Judaism and Christianity has neither name nor definition, hence as empty frame can be filled by any notion serving the personal survival needs of the priest/interpreter/executor  representing that vacuous notion.

7… Since every bit/bite of nature (i.e. every identifiable reality) self-generates by means of the same emergence/creation procedure (or substrate, i.e. Spinoza’s (poorly defined) substance) each individual (thus local) emergence can be understood as a god in its own right, that is to say, as a local GOD variation or application. To wit, since nature = GOD then each bit of nature = GOD.

8… Nature’s laws are automatic and blind, thus indiscriminate. Consequently, nature’s laws, as sets of constraints, equivalent for all, are apolitical, hence culturally useless as political means. Therefore humans invent (via AI) politically useful laws/rules/constraints that differ from the natural ones. (Named and defined) Gods worshipped by humans are all human artificial intelligence survival aids solutions.

9… From the point of (natural) view of the dependent and immature infant its independent and mature father/mother appear supernatural (actually, superlative).

10 … In this regard see Auguste Comte’s proposal, derived from everyday observation, of the three-phase development of natural systems.

11…  Since the majority of natural (human) systems fail to achieve mature adulthood, hence the capacity of self-regulation and innovative self-adaptation, the majority’s survival mode is best served by belief/trust in a supernatural (indeed artificial, hence specifically designed) GOD/Creator/Father cum Guide & Control System. Belief in the supernatural is a highly efficient placebo.