Pantheism & the dynamics of identifiable realness




The modern pantheist1 believes that the universe2 happens as the processing3 of random quanta4 in motion into order.5 Therefore no things6 as such exist in/as the universe, only halted ordering processes.


Ordering of random quanta in motion happens as work.7 The emergent effect8 of work is energy.


Work is quantised, like the energy it generates. A simple random quantum happens as a constant in motion.9 A quantum not in motion can do no work.10


A simple constant, i.e. a quantum, is symbolised with the letter c. A quantum of work happens when 2 constants collide @c, thereby producing, i.e. working a c2 moment, the latter symbolizing a quantum of energy.11


 The emergent effects of the process of ordering, hence of working, happen as real identifiable forms.12

Unless continually worked on13 by means of contact with random quanta (i.e. actually halted random events), all real identifiable forms, i.e. all halted processes, decay (meaning die), i.e. reduce motion and therefore the means to energy, to zero.14,15


In simple terms, the pantheist believes that the universe happens as a transient ordering process triggered by the perturbation16 of an absolutely still quantum condensate and that in due course the perturbed quantum condensate17 will calm down to absolute stillness, elsewhere named nirvana.18,19























©  2018 by Victor Langheld













1.  In contrast to the nature worshipper of ancient, meaning naïve times.

2.  i.e. as aggregate or ensemble of cognisable bits/quanta. For bit/quantum read: detail. Hence for the woman of principle (i.e. G.O.D.) ‘the devil (i.e. that which slows down) is in the detail.’

3.  Processing (selective pressurizing) is always an act of merciless, pitiless violence (Sanskrit: himsa).

4.  A quantum happens as a limitation presenting for contact (i.e. work) as an order of 1. A complex quantum, like a can of beans, can present as an order of 1 because its internal quanta are arranged (indeed aligned) in perfect order, hence @ zero entropy = perfect stillness, hence as quasi solid. Quantum status happens only for an instant (i.e. as halted or sliced (i.e. detailed) motion).

5.  For ‘order’ read: alignment; row, series, rank and so on. Hence for random read: non-aligned, disordered, at maximum entropy.

6.  A ‘thing’, that is to say, an identifiable real form, i.e. an actual detail, happens as an observer (i.e. responder) invention, i.e. when an observer halts or slices, indeed re-orders a process. To wit: ‘The meaning of a message (as quantum of contact) is the response it elicits.’

7.  The word ‘work’ is derived from the medieval German or Dutch word ‘werk’, possibly ‘wirk’, meaning to craft or make, i.e. to affect.

8.  i.e. side or after-effect. Hence work and energy are not, in principle, equivalent, as the laws of thermodynamics claim.

9.  A constant happens as a halted process, and which is momentary. ‘In motion’ is taken to mean: having momentum and which, upon contact, i.e. @c2, thus @ work, can be turned into energy.

10.   A quantum not in motion (actually, pre-contact) cannot be cognised since it waits (as it were in ‘sleep’ mode, i.e. in nirvana (i.e. beyond turbulence) or in moksha) prior to identity and realness (given to it by contact). This was one of the Buddha’s smarter observations, viz. ‘Consciousness (i.e. as the coming together of bits of knowledge) (and the other aggregates) arises from contact.’

11.   A quantum of energy is defined as a (potential) c2 impact.

12.   Elsewhere named gods, the latter happening as differential, hence localised iterations of the template G.O.D, therefore as localised G.O.D. details. G.O.D responds to turbulence, i.e. to the random motion of quanta, by ordering (i.e. aligning) them. So the gods (i.e. G.O.D. details or cuts) emerge as differential iterations (i.e. fractal elaborations), hence as niche applications (thus details) of the basic or ground G.O.D. function.

13.   In other words, bombarded with, struck by, contacted by and so on, thus energised and/or reformed.

14.   Hence ‘dust to dust’, or ‘no motion quanta via perturbed (i.e. by a little or big bang), hence in motion quanta, to non-motion quanta.’ The ancients believed that that living things happened as animated (i.e. breathed on) non-living things.

15.   At true (universal) maximum entropy motion ceases and with it the emergent effects of motion, namely the real, identifiable universe.

16.   Elsewhere called ‘The Big Bang’. It is still a mystery how, why and in what the Big Bang occurs. There are plenty of opinions, mine included.

17.   And its emergent phenomena as niche applications, i.e. details. Recall Yoga Sutra 2: ‘Yoga is the restriction (or ending, i.e. nirodha) of the fluctuations (as turbulence) of consciousness.’ Feuerstein 1979

18.   The early Buddhist notion of Nirvana can be translated negatively as ‘no blow’ (as in the eye of storm), or positively as utter stillness, calm, peace and so on. It can also be interpreted negatively to mean: no disorder (i.e. ignorance, Sanskrit: avidya) and positively as vidya resulting from samma-sambodhi.

19.   Hindus describe release from the storm (as the turbulence of the disorder) of life, i.e. from samsara, as moksha whereby the duration of moksha, though in itself timeless, is not determined. The unwillingness or inability of ancient Hindus to so define moksha cleanly, namely as 2 mokshas (i.e. as freedom from and freedom to) offering alternate modes of escape, meaning completion, indicates either uncertainty or a deliberate attempt to generate henotheistic politics and a false means to salvation. Moksha (i.e. freedom from) happens virtually between two random quanta contacts or actually (i.e. as freedom to) @ quantum contact. In between contacts no emergents, like time, realness or identity/form, happen. @contact the Brahman is given hard detail and so emerges as real and identified. Moksha (i.e. freedom from) is actually achieved personally by means of mental flooding that eliminates random contact and so allows the response of oneness (kaivalya) to emerge.

See: Moksha (mukti)